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Three Tree 8/4

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:44 pm
by pogiguy05
Ron and I met at 630pm to do 1 dive and upon arriving there were numerous fishermen along the beaches. Just as Ron arrived it seemed like alot of the fishermen were leaving and after further review the owner (lady) of the blue house to the right (as your facing the water) had SHEWED them away and was on her phone. Not soon after a Burien Police officer came pulling in and went to talk to the lady I guess. The Officer said this was the first time he has ever been called there. So Ron and I geared up and planned on doing the straight out dive plan. Even as we were swimming out the lady was sitting in a chair on her deck area intently watching NEW fishermen come on HER side and telling them to go away. The good point was that she did give Ron and I a safe entry point without the fear of getting HOOKED and she did not seem at all interested in us being there just them pesky pole and hook people. Both Ron and I said we need to get her together with the guy at Day Island Wall for a date. :rofl: :rofl:

Ron and I dropped in around 20 fsw and headed down slope. Surprisingly even the VIZ in the shallows was 15-20fsw and you could see the anemones on the tire piles quite well from a distance. I would say at depth 80-90fsw the VIZ was 25-30fsw. Ron had his camera and I was hunting crab but seemed there were no crab out or about. Seen a few small octo's and one we came across in the deeper water was not happy and down right angry looking. Dark and changing colors. As we came up slope we meandered to the antler house side scanning the kelp for any Lumpies but I had not seen any, but that may be due to looking for crabs. I finally came across to red rock who were having a territorial dispute for which both were of good size and got tossed into the net bag. The only other crab I came across was when we headed back to the entry and he put up a good fight which I finally just had to pin him down and open the bag and toss him in before he got a piece of me. So I spent 5 hours on the pier at Redondo and got 4 Red Rock, then get 3 Red Rock at the end of a 1 hour dive at Three Tree. :nutty: :BDub: I also finally ran into that small bowling ball dealio which is just at about 20fsw at the entry of Three Tree.OH and once again at about 80-90fsw I for some reason SNEEZED..... might be that I have a slight sinus cold but geez do I have underwater allergies? :eek:

Re: Three Tree 8/4

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:56 pm
by cardiver
pogiguy05 wrote:Ron and I met at 630pm to do 1 dive and upon arriving there were numerous fishermen along the beaches. Just as Ron arrived it seemed like alot of the fishermen were leaving and after further review the owner (lady) of the blue house to the right (as your facing the water) had SHEWED them away and was on her phone. Not soon after a Burien Police officer came pulling in and went to talk to the lady I guess. The Officer said this was the first time he has ever been called there. So Ron and I geared up and planned on doing the straight out dive plan. Even as we were swimming out the lady was sitting in a chair on her deck area intently watching NEW fishermen come on HER side and telling them to go away. The good point was that she did give Ron and I a safe entry point without the fear of getting HOOKED and she did not seem at all interested in us being there just them pesky pole and hook people. Both Ron and I said we need to get her together with the guy at Day Island Wall for a date. :rofl: :rofl:

Ron and I dropped in around 20 fsw and headed down slope. Surprisingly even the VIZ in the shallows was 15-20fsw and you could see the anemones on the tire piles quite well from a distance. I would say at depth 80-90fsw the VIZ was 25-30fsw. Ron had his camera and I was hunting crab but seemed there were no crab out or about. Seen a few small octo's and one we came across in the deeper water was not happy and down right angry looking. Dark and changing colors. As we came up slope we meandered to the antler house side scanning the kelp for any Lumpies but I had not seen any, but that may be due to looking for crabs. I finally came across to red rock who were having a territorial dispute for which both were of good size and got tossed into the net bag. The only other crab I came across was when we headed back to the entry and he put up a good fight which I finally just had to pin him down and open the bag and toss him in before he got a piece of me. So I spent 5 hours on the pier at Redondo and got 4 Red Rock, then get 3 Red Rock at the end of a 1 hour dive at Three Tree. :nutty: :BDub: I also finally ran into that small bowling ball dealio which is just at about 20fsw at the entry of Three Tree.OH and once again at about 80-90fsw I for some reason SNEEZED..... might be that I have a slight sinus cold but geez do I have underwater allergies? :eek:
And now I know why all of my shots were out of focus...... For some unknown reason I had the focus set to, " Direct Manual Focus"....... Maybe I'll have my new kit figured out by Thursday night. :angry: