Diamond Knot

Tell us your tale of coming nose-to-nose with a 6 gill [--this big--], or about your vacation to turquoise warm waters. Share your adventures here!
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Joined: Fri Aug 20, 2010 10:00 pm

Diamond Knot

Post by dalcodiver »

Got in two nice dives on the Diamond Knot some with my friends Connie, Bryan and Justin, first trip out there this year. Weather was awesome with flat water and sunshine all day. Passed by several schools of pink salmon boiling and jumping on the surface on the way out in the morning. The wreck is definite tilting more each year we dive it. Vis was 50-60ft, water temp was a brisk 46 degrees. Saw lots of schooling yellowtail rockfish both juveniles and adults, rockfish of every species quillbacks, blacks & blues, several large lingcod and rock scallops everywhere. Makes a great aurgument for more artificial reefs due to the varieties of fish species and other forms of life on the wreck. Did a third dive out at the west end of Tongue Point on the ebbing current just to see what it looked like and found it to be fairly featureless with mostly a gravel bottom with a couple of rock piles. Made for a drift dive with only a few urchin colonys and just a couple of fish. Did a slow cruise back to Port Angeles while cooking up some fresh tuna and lobster tails on the barbeque.
If I'm not diving unfortunately I'm working.
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