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Dive accident in Australia

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 8:31 pm
by LowDrag
I know there are a few folks here that visit ScubaBoard also but may not have heard about Quero. Marcia has had a dive accident in Australia and unfortunately she did not survive. There is not enough information as of yet that I know of to understand what happened. All I know is that they found her unconscious and not responding. She was taken ashore and another diver started CPR but the paramedics pronounced her dead at the scene. Marcia was dive instructor and a board moderator for ScubaBoard. She was always helping folks out on SB and was a generally a cool person from what little I know of her. We chatted a few times and she was always nice to me. I have posted a couple of links to SB threads for those here at NWDC that may have known her or of her but have not heard the unfortunate news yet. I just found out today quite by accident and it saddens me to hear this and to pass on the news. ... ralia.html ... quero.html

Re: Dive accident in Australia

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 9:11 pm
by Mortuus
I saw these threads a few days ago around the time they were posted, and my stomach did a flip. I did not know Marcia, and my direct interactions with her on SB were limited to just a few, but I knew she was a very experienced diver with lots of passion for the sport. When I saw the thread titled "RIP Quero" I could hardly believe it. It is sad news indeed. At least she will be remembered through her posts even by those who did not know her personally

Re: Dive accident in Australia

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 3:09 am
by Grateful Diver
I knew Marcia pretty well, although strictly online. We interacted via ScubaBoard, but also via emails, and I always admired her ... while others dream of doing things she got out and did them. It's hard for me to imagine her dying like that. Personally, I'd rather think about how she lived. I'm gonna miss her ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

Re: Dive accident in Australia

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 6:36 am
by LCF
I actually think the thread on SB is worth reading. Like most accident threads, the final events are unknown, but there is enough there to be an extremely cautionary read, especially for those of us who have enough dives under our belts to feel "comfortable".