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Deception Pass on October 25, 2013

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 8:09 pm
by Paladin4Christ
phpBB [video]

Paul Senness, Jan K and I hit "The Pass" on Friday's "slack" around 8:50, for a 50 minute dive! I put the quotes around "slack" because we had to fin into The Pass, against current and when it changed, we had to fin out.

Just as we were entering the water, a tug pulling a barge went through! It was pretty cool to see how the Captain maneuvered under the bridge.

I am still learning how to use my new light and any suggestions are welcome. I already figured out I need to turn off my primary dive light on the soft goodman handle while filming since, the beam "confuses" the camera and it wants to focus on it, instead of what I would like it to focus on.

All in all, the several Red Irish Lords made up for a sporty dive.

Re: Deception Pass on October 25, 2013

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 9:19 pm
by Jan K
Well, sometimes the currents play a trick on us. Too bad they are closing the access to the shore for winter.
It was nice to dive with you guys again.

Re: Deception Pass on October 25, 2013

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 9:24 pm
by Jeremy
I had a very enjoyable dive there today with the back eddy current kicking up in the last 5 min of our exit. One of the calmest smoothest dives I've had there yet though! :)

That will be it for me at D-Pass until next year.

We have had a remarkable number of dive windows there this fall!

Re: Deception Pass on October 25, 2013

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 10:05 pm
by Paladin4Christ
Yeah, it is kind of sad that this was it for the year!

Too bad we can't work something out with the parks to give us the key to the lock... :pirate:

Yeah I know...pipe dream.