Sund Rock

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Sund Rock

Post by Pescadero »

Until now I have little or nothing to post. Thanks to Tom Nic, all that just changed. Tom suggested that I make a post and he would come along and fill in the blanks. For your sake, I should have done just that. I was going to say: “I came north, I dove, I went home”, and leave the rest for him. But, I had such a great time, I ended up getting quite wordy. I apologize in advance for the very long post which follows, but I wanted to share this with you.

For the last couple of months, Tom and I have been trying to coordinate our schedules, so that we could dive together. After a couple of false starts, we finally made it this week.

It is a 6+ hour drive, one way for me, so I made it to Portland on Wednesday afternoon, spending the night with my son. I went on up to Hoodsport, Thursday morning, where I met Tom at 9:00. When I first layed eyes on Tom, it was almost as though I was looking in a mirror. We look enough alike to be brothers. (You know, the same handsome, rugged good looks, silver hair and salt-n-pepper beards. What more can I say?) LOL

We picked up the gate key and headed up to Sund Rock. Other than my cert dives at Mike’s, these were to be my first real dives in Washington State, and I was in for a treat. After talking through our dive plan and donning our gear, we made the short surface swim out to the first buoy. After dropping down we headed out along the wall and were greeted by a ton of Nudi’s. Don’t laugh, but I had seen a grand total of one, up to this point. On this day, we were inundated. They were everywhere. The Oregon bays and estuaries where I dive, have much less life in them. Nothing like the Hood, so I got a crink in my neck, just gawking at everything. We had a great hour plus dive.

After an appropriate surface interval, we changed tanks and headed back to the same basic spot. We descended from the same buoy but headed off in a slightly different direction. What a difference a few degrees on the old compass makes. This time I don’t think we saw a single Nudi. But that was quickly replaced by "herds" of shrimp and squat lobster. On this dive, they were everywhere. Along the way, Tom spotted some of your dreaded invasive Tunicates and paused to take a couple of pictures. To our surprise, lurking in a little crevice right beside them, was old snagglepuss, the Wolf Eel. Once again, this was a first for me. Until then, I had never seen a Wolfie. This was another fantastic dive, surpassing anything I had seen or done in Oregon.

After our second dive, we threw our gear in our cars, headed into town and spent an extended surface interval over fish-n-chips.

Our third dive was to be on the south wall. After the short surface swim to the point, we dropped down. Once at depth it was apparent that the current was going to interfere with the plan. Almost immediately, Tom reversed direction and we headed out NE. The move needed no discussion. It was obvious what he was thinking. This allowed us to work into and across the current and we had a very comfortable dive, but one entirely different from the first two. This time the Nudi’s were still missing. The shrimp and squats were still there, but the route we took had much less bottom contour and was, for the most part, a gentle sloping sort of thing. After an easy meander, we eventually turned the dive and headed back toward our entry point. At about 28 feet, as we began coming up toward shore, I inexplicably ‘corked’. I couldn’t get control of my ascent until nearly at the surface. Once under control, I descended thinking that I would rejoin Tom. To my surprise, I found that during my absence, Tom had gotten lost. (Imagine that! I turn my back for a minute and Tom gets lost.)

I knew right where I was and except for concern about worrying Tom, I was comfortable with the situation. I gave it a minute or so and when we didn’t hook up, I proceed on up the rising slope, to 15 feet and took a nice long stop. From there I moved on up to the little gravel beach where we entered. I took off my fins, stepped onto the beach and saw Tom surface, just a stones throw from me.

After a serious chat, Tom promises he will try not get lost any more.

Bottom line is this: I had a fantastic day, three fantastic dives and even more fantastic hospitality. My personal plan had been for a motel and a cheeseburger. Thanks to Tom and Cindy, my plans got changed. I ended up in their guest room instead of a motel. A home cooked dinner replaced the cheeseburger and Cindy’s breakfast replaced the donut I would have had. All this was topped off with great conversation and a chance to learn more about the family’s upcoming vacation to Israel and Greece.

The next morning Tom took me on a two hour drive to get a glimpse of various dive sites. We hit Sunnyside, Day Island Wall, Titlow, Les Davis and Redondo.

I want to give a special thanks to those who loaned Tom extra tanks to make our dive go more smoothly. I think it was Bassman and Sounder.

I had to get back for a family graduation ceremony so headed home, mid-day.

I look forward to coming back and visiting again, soon. When I do, I promise to keep my post to a more reasonable length.

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Tom Nic
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Re: Sund Rock

Post by Tom Nic »

Great report Skip! ...and a great couple of days hanging out as well. :salute: Don't apologize for the length, either, I enjoyed reading it, as do others, and if they don't they don't have to! \:D/ And though I might question an ...ahem, ...detail or two...
Pescadero wrote:To my surprise, I found that during my absence, Tom had gotten lost. (Imagine that! I turn my back for a minute and Tom gets lost.) After a serious chat, Tom promises he will try not get lost any more.
For the most part you were spot on!
Pescadero wrote:handsome, rugged good looks
The pictures are here

All of the usual suspects were out in force, and it was so nice to be able to see (25' viz!) the schools of Rockfish suspended in the water column! The Flabellina triophina that I saw 3 weeks ago are still present in the hundreds, particularly on the north wall, but are grown up and laying eggs. Their egg ribbons are everywhere, although exclusively on the small red "sea weed thingy" that they seem to favor for that purpose.

<a href="" title="Photo Sharing"><img src=" ... 31491e.jpg" width="500" height="333" alt="CIMG1479"></a>

Here's a better shot of the plant.
<a href="" title="Photo Sharing"><img src=" ... 7e9acb.jpg" width="500" height="432" alt="CIMG1534"></a>

I found some Ciona (invasive tunicate) on both the South and North walls. I had forgotten to bring a container to try and remove what I found. It was kind of fun shooting the Ciona and then discovering "Mr. Snaggletooth" (so named because of his protruding incisor) in the process.

<a href="" title="Photo Sharing"><img src=" ... 6257a1.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="CIMG1664"></a>
<a href="" title="Photo Sharing"><img src=" ... 3f6a7c.jpg" width="500" height="363" alt="CIMG1665"></a>

Our first dive the floor was covered with Nudi's, the last dive it was covered with Squat Lobster. Again, must be the season, they were out by the 100's, more than I personally have ever seen.

<a href="" title="Photo Sharing"><img src=" ... ec627f.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="CIMG1785"></a>

I found what I think may be a Hybrid Rockfish and I think I will never be able to look at a Painted Greenling the same way after Skip called one an Angelina Joliefish.

<a href="" title="Photo Sharing"><img src=" ... adfa58.jpg" width="500" height="380" alt="CIMG1635"></a>

The first two dives were the lowest minus tide I've ever dove Sund on, and I expected crumm viz, but it was 25'! The last dive on high tide I had hoped for good viz and it was maybe a generous 8'. Go figure... I got lots to learn... All in all a great day of diving! :supz: Thanks Skip! (and by the way, the tanks were from Bassman... although i'm sure that Sounder would have helped if I had asked!)
More Pics Than You Have Time To Look AT
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Post by divernick »

Great report Skip and Tom. Sounds like you had a great set of dives.
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Re: Sund Rock

Post by Pescadero »


I just couldn't resist the 'tongue-in-cheek' approach, even if it was at your expense. LOL We were cracking up as I composed it.

Thanks for the photo CD's. You took some wonderful shots. I will really enjoy them.

Also, thanks for the mentoring. I have lots to work on and will be doing that, at every opportunity.

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Post by BASSMAN »

does this mean you might make back to the Hood Canal for the Club weekend? End of June?
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Post by thelawgoddess »

excellent trip report - glad you had such a good visit diving in washington. :-) and fantastic pictures! i gotta get myself back over there again ...
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Post by Sounder »

Come on Skip - weekend after next we're at the Hood again!!! Sorry I was out of town or I would have enjoyed joining you - hopefully we can get together sometime soon!

Tom wasn't borrowing my tanks this time - but next time we'll introduce you to our friend the 130.
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