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Great day at 3 Tree!!

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 4:51 pm
by Sounder
Tom and I enjoyed 2 great dives at 3 Tree North today, and Tom is probably underwater with Bassman as I write this. Somebody has to chaperone Bassman around all those frisky rat fish... [-X

3TN has been a favorite spot for Tom and I but neither of us had been there in quite a while so we elected to visit again today. There was a weird current headed north-bound in the morning... very odd for 3TN but it wasn't anything we couldn't manage. We saw zero nudis too which was also weird. In the afternoon, a slowing southerly current was exactly what we expected as we progressed south from the entrance.

During our dives we enjoyed extended visits with egg yoke jellies, large lingcods, beautiful kelp and painted greenlings, C-O Sole, wolfeels, a red octopus (out in the open just "cruising"), a stubby squid who showed us all his colors, lots of curious rat fish, and a rather large grunt sculpin who was also out in the open posing and saying hello. All the critters were friendly and seemed glad for the visit (they weren't running off or trying to get away).

The rockfish are VERY pregnant and are moving rather slowly when they're not simply sitting on something... I can't say I know how they feel, but I've been around enough human ladies nearing delivery to know that leaving them alone is what they want the most.

All in all it was a great day and was full of life. Anytime you see an octopus, squid, grunt, or wolfie it makes for a special dive. To see them all in one day was exceptionally special - enough to warrant an underwater high-five.

The benefits of HID lighting were clearly evident and we enjoyed slicing through the muck with our light sabers. With the tugboat overhead, the pounding in our ears was only exceeded by the thumping in our chests.

I also got to play with a self inflating SMB. It is the AP Valves "Buddy" SMB which has a 0.1lt bottle used for self-inflation. Because it continues to inflate (once you open the valve) as it literally "shoots" or "rockets" for the surface, the diver can deploy a much larger SMB than a more traditional single-breath SMB. The luxfer bottle easily fills from a normal DIN fitting tank for the next dive. It was fun to practice with this SMB and moving forward I can see myself bringing it on most every dive around here. NW Sports Divers carries them (or can order one if you want different colors) in Kenmore and I just can't recommend it enough! If you'd like to try it out, just say those three magic words... "let's go diving!"

Nearing the end of the second dive we were approaching NDLs so we enjoyed healthy stops at 50', 40', 30', 20', 15', 10', and 5' on the way up the hill while exploring some large tire reefs. We eventually surfaced, after a very conservative ascent with the several stops, feeling great and celebrating the wonderful dive. I'm finding more and more that making 10' stops all the way up hill makes a huge difference in how I feel when I surface.

All in all it was a great day. Good to get back in the water following my 14 days surface interval... being dry for 2 weeks feels like a crime... no matter the excuse. I'm sure Tom will post soon, complete with pictures.

I can't wait for Friday!!! \:D/ :partyman:

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:13 pm
by Tom Nic
The pictures are here

A few comments below...

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 12:04 am
by Diver_C
That's funny. Penopolypants, RSDancey, and I dove there tonight. We had some current, so didn't quite make it to the boat before turning around, but did have a fun one hour dive!


See ya' Friday...

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 7:03 am
by Tom Nic
Doug summed it up very well... a great day and great dives! It was nice to meet up with Keith for a third after work dive, though I must confess that I was pretty loaded by the time that dive started. Although, as I think about this, standing around your cars and talking about how "loaded" you are might not be the best idea... ](*,) That's NITROGEN loaded... don't do the other kind any more! :rr: \:D/ It's funny how you start to "feel" nitrogen after awhile as you become more attuned to your body and the affects of breathing air at depth.

Keith got hit by a lion's mane on our dive... :violent3: Bummer dude... so, how DID the vinegar work now that we aren't supposed to use it? Hope you're doing OK!

A couple of notes...

I don't believe I've ever encountered a north flowing current here. I suppose it's likely that I've just never hit it on the right conditions, but usually I've found a pretty reliable south flow. In either case the current was pretty gentle even with the large exchange.

The first dive there was actually nice viz in the first 20', then schmutz (new technical term) to about 45, then pretty nice 15' viz below that even though there was lots of particulate in the water as always this time of the year. You know you're a PNW cold water diver when you're celebrating 15' viz!

The dives were wonderful, but each dive got progressively worse only as far as viz went. By the third dive I pretty much put up my camera because I couldn't get it to focus through the schmutz. Even the second dive on the boat there was so much in the water that every pic at the boat looked like I was shooting through a cloud... even up close. I used the delete button freely! So, pretty much the only pics that worked at all were from a foot or less. I think PNW divers love macro because most of the time that's all that we can do!

I've never seen one of these on a dive before. Still haven't ID'd it, but it sure is pretty!

<a href="" title="Photo Sharing"><img src=" ... 505cde.jpg" width="500" height="333" alt="CIMG1934"></a>

It was nice to find a wolfie, although we were respectfully non-interactive other than a pic because there isn't alot of cover / habitat for them at this site.

<a href="" title="Photo Sharing"><img src=" ... 4bb0fe.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="CIMG1900"></a>

This little octo was out and about, and the stubby interupted the photo shoot to get in on the fun. Some critters are just so pushy!

<a href="" title="Photo Sharing"><img src=" ... 74fb18.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="CIMG2022"></a>

<a href="" title="Photo Sharing"><img src=" ... 997991.jpg" width="500" height="334" alt="CIMG2016"></a>

Any dive where we see a grunt sculpin is a great dive in my book! This was one of the larger ones I've seen.

<a href="" title="Photo Sharing"><img src=" ... f657a8.jpg" width="500" height="333" alt="CIMG2050"></a>

I've also never seen an Orange Sea Pen at 3Tree, and finding this one was a treat.

<a href="" title="Photo Sharing"><img src=" ... fe329b.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="CIMG2115"></a>

There was a fair amount of life on the tire piles, including an almost Edmonds sized ling. I couldn't get a real good pic through the schmutz, but this will give you an idea. Sounder's trigger finger was itchin'!

<a href="" title="Photo Sharing"><img src=" ... 7998ab.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="CIMG2086"></a>

It was fun watching Sounder play with his birthday present. When that thing heads for the surface it heads for the surface! I understand that at least in this case "shooting" a bag is pretty literal! That thing is a rocket. We also practiced deploying our bail out bottles (I still call mine a pony!). It was good practice to deploy, then breathe from, then stow them again for a bit.

<a href="" title="Photo Sharing"><img src=" ... d263e4.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="CIMG1952"></a>

All in all, great day, great dives! Thanks Doug and Keith!

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 7:52 am
by Penopolypants
"Some" current....huh. That was at the end of my comfort level. I prefer to be lazy. :)

Nice pics everybody! I saw a tiny octo out and about too...I wonder if it was the same one?

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:14 am
by GillyWeed
So where at 3TN is the wolfie!!!!! Those are my absolute favs and I have never seen one there. Any points of reference?

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:41 am
by John Rawlings
Great pics, Tom!

I especially like the shot on your link of the male and female helmet crabs. I've never seen that species in an "embrace" before.

I really enjoy your photography.

- John

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:43 am
by Sounder
I was trying to figure out how to get back to where we happened upon it myself, but it was truly just dumb luck. Kind of a "go to the golf ball boat, turn right/north, swim for a while up and down the slope without really knowing where you are following a photographer, then turn left at the brown kelp crab... etc." If you do precisely that, you're SURE to find them... that's about what we did. Like I said, totally just dumb luck but I'm glad to hear they're there.

I'm almost positive I couldn't find them again. The vis sucked, and due to the current we missed the traditional landmarks that I would have referenced it by. I'm sorry I can't give you something better than that. It's frustrating to continue swimming away looking for something to take a compass reading on and not finding it... :dontknow:

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:44 am
by Tom Nic
They're hard to find... and I think they want it that way. Rumor has it that a pair used to be in the keg and ended up getting "chased" away by overly friendly divers. Unlike DIW there aren't a huge number of places for them to go on this site... not as much of the habitat that they like. We got lucky and stumbled on this one to the north of the entry. Have fun searching, and if you find them, watch them with as little interaction as possible. I know that you wouldn't "harass" them... but not everyone is so inclined. (Actually, by some folks definition, MY sticking a camera in their face is harrassment! We apologized for the paparazzi, waved and went on our way!) \:D/

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:58 am
by enchantmentdivi
GillyWeed wrote:So where at 3TN is the wolfie!!!!! Those are my absolute favs and I have never seen one there. Any points of reference?
I know right where theyare. What Tom Nic said about the two in the keg getting chased away is a theory that I've had for quite awhile. So, I don't tell just anyone where the wolfies are now...but I'll show you! I know you'll respect their space. :supz:

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:59 am
by Tom Nic
Are Sounder, Bassman and I the only ones who "wave" bye bye at a particularly cool critter after we've photographed them awhile before we go on our way? :rr:

I am such a critter nerd...

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:05 am
by Grateful Diver
Those two wolfies were already traumatized by stupid divers because their previous location was so well known.

Please respect them, and don't tell anyone how to find them on a public forum.

If you want to visit them, make arrangements to go with someone who knows where they are. And keep your interaction to observing them ... these are not DIW pets, and have never shown an inclination to human interaction. So please don't feed them ... and please don't broadcast their location. Or they will probably just move on again ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:08 am
by Grateful Diver
Tom Nic wrote:Are Sounder, Bassman and I the only ones who "wave" bye bye at a particularly cool critter after we've photographed them awhile before we go on our way? :rr:
No ... Cheng always does that ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:20 am
by Penopolypants
Grateful Diver wrote:
Tom Nic wrote:Are Sounder, Bassman and I the only ones who "wave" bye bye at a particularly cool critter after we've photographed them awhile before we go on our way? :rr:
No ... Cheng always does that ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Me too!

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:21 am
by Sounder
Sometime I'll have to go with you so you can show me the way to them. Sounds like with better vis they more find-able. I just enjoyed seeing them - and they were NOT friendly or interested in us. Refreshing that the wildlife is still wild.

The grunty on the other hand was posing for the camera and the octo was a bit of a camera hog.

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 10:23 am
by gcbryan
What is the difference between taking everyone who wants to see the Wolf Eels who reads about them in this post and posting their location in this post? It's the same people who will see them.

I know where they are but I don't get the logic is this request.

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 10:44 am
by Grateful Diver
gcbryan wrote:What is the difference between taking everyone who wants to see the Wolf Eels who reads about them in this post and posting their location in this post? It's the same people who will see them.

I know where they are but I don't get the logic is this request.
Lots more people read these posts than post here ... or even sign on as members of the board.

It's a matter of exposure ... I'd rather show 2 people than tell 200 ... at least in that case I have some control over whether or not to show someone who I think might behave irresponsibly ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 10:54 am
by gcbryan
Grateful Diver wrote:
gcbryan wrote:What is the difference between taking everyone who wants to see the Wolf Eels who reads about them in this post and posting their location in this post? It's the same people who will see them.

I know where they are but I don't get the logic is this request.
Lots more people read these posts than post here ... or even sign on as members of the board.

It's a matter of exposure ... I'd rather show 2 people than tell 200 ... at least in that case I have some control over whether or not to show someone who I think might behave irresponsibly ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
True, good points but ultimately it's hard to have control or secrets at well known/visited dive sites. I've personally been surprised that the Wolf Eels have hung around that particular site as long as they have. It's not exactly a typical "wolf eel" site.

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 11:36 am
by Grateful Diver
gcbryan wrote: True, good points but ultimately it's hard to have control or secrets at well known/visited dive sites. I've personally been surprised that the Wolf Eels have hung around that particular site as long as they have. It's not exactly a typical "wolf eel" site.
What's "saved" them to date is that their lair is a bit outside the range of where most people go ... but once the genie's out of the bottle (so to speak) the best you can do is ask people to be considerate and behave responsibly. Most folks mean well ... possibly even those who drove them out of the keg did so more out of ignorance than malice ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 1:08 pm
by neoerik
I would like to see the wolfies at 3 Tree too, from a distance of course. Once I saw a GPO under the boat (1st and only GPO spotted, ever), and then at other times I've seen ratfish, a grunt sculpin and a sailfin sculpin. I'm really missing a bunch from this dive site according to these pictures!

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 1:40 pm
by Tom Nic
The GPO under the boat has been gone for several months now, and a new one has yet to occupy his lair. Those who have dove this site longer than I have tell me that a new one is likely someday!

Three Tree North has become one of my favorite PNW shore dives. It is a very large dive site, larger than most people realize. There are many dives to do here, deep or shallow, lots to explore, and for the most part it is always diveable in all but the most extreme exchanges or weather.

I've never dove Three Tree South simply because of the No Parking Nazi's that made it to where you can't park a vehicle anywhere near the water... oh well. Someday we'll pull up, get our gear out, then go park a block or so away and try that as well.

As a shore dive site it certainly can't compare to Day Island Wall or Titlow or Sunrise for the amount of life. My thought is that the reason for that fact is one of the things that makes it a very diveable site, little or no current. The above mentioned sites are amazing precisely because they are current swept, so life has a steady stream of nutrients and food coming to it's door step and thus proliferates. Alas, that also means that we can't just dive them on a whim.

That being said, some of our "old reliable" sites like Cove 2, Redondo, Three Tree, Mukilteo etc. actually have a fair amount of life. You simply need to dive them slow, and dive them often to see it. If someone is a "hurry up" diver, going from one structure to another, they will miss 90% of the life. I know that I have swam over TONS of life... and that is even while not being in a hurry... most of the stuff in the ocean seems to be designed specifically with camouflage in mind, either to sneak up and eat or to avoid being eaten!

If you want to see stuff, dive with an experienced photographer! \:D/ After you (general you, not you specifically!) get tired of swimming in circles around them you will probably start seeing lots of cool new stuff that you might have missed before!

Also, I really need to do another night dive here! Lots of cool stuff comes out at night that is hiding during the day!

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 2:18 pm
by Tom Nic
neoerik wrote:I would like to see the wolfies at 3 Tree too, from a distance of course.
Because Wolf eels are large, and because they tend to den, and are somewhat docile (i.e. slow enough for a diver to come up and make physical contact with) many divers think that it is OK to pick them up, caress them, pose with them, etc. They can also be easily fed.

It is my understanding, however, that the above is NOT a good idea for these amazing critters. I understand that Neoprene gloved "petting" can remove protective mucous, and while I have not heard of it yet it would never surprise me to read of one chomping down with their urchin crushing jaws on the finger of an annoying diver who "just wants to pet" the darling critter. They are NOT dogs, ](*,) (even though they are named wolf) they are a fish, and I don't think our innocent, even "loving" petting is good for them.

I am not a tree hugging, anti human, animal rights guy, and I happily eat meat and seafood! \:D/ At the same time I would not harvest from a well used "regular" shore dive site around here simply to preserve diving pleasure for the majority of folks who use them. That's my personal decision, and one that I would not try and enforce on others, though I think conversation is healthy!

And I DON'T think the fact that somebody petted a wolf eel once is going to kill it. And I'm not interested in flame wars... :pale: (I LOVE the for-the-most-part civil nature of NWDiveClub!)

I really do think the majority of divers care about and respect the critters, it's just a matter of education... but when a bunch of divers who want to "pet" the wolfies... weekend after weekend... :pale: I don't think it can be good for them. The divers for the most part are certainly not wanting to hurt the critter, and in the short run may not, but if every diver who encountered them did the same thing? What then?

Videos of folks petting and "cuddling" wolf eels is one of the reasons we / I hesitated even mentioning their presence here... although in the long run I think the discussion is good, and one of the benefits of boards like these.

The discussion is good... I am not the dive police, ](*,) nor interested in the job... but we can help raise awareness together in forums like this one and help preserve the awesome diving that we all love so much!

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 3:12 pm
by Diver_C
Tom Nic wrote:I am not the dive police, nor interested in the job...
Oh come on. Please, please, please. Let me put a blue flashing light on either your head or tank. A little badge on your bc? :bounce: Then you could show Doug's Grump Old Man a thing or two

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 4:21 pm
by Tom Nic
Diver_C wrote:
Tom Nic wrote:I am not the dive police, nor interested in the job...
Oh come on. Please, please, please. Let me put a blue flashing light on either your head or tank. A little badge on your bc? :bounce: Then you could show Doug's Grump Old Man a thing or two
A blue flashing light could be cool on night dives! \:D/ But "We don't need no stinking badges!"

But there are other more suited personalities to the role of Dive Police on the board than moi... :axe:

Besides, the Grumpy Old Man wouldn't respond to DIVE police... I doubt he dives.

Hey, come to think of it, he might respond to a LAWYER... and I happen to know that we have one or two of those on the board!!

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 6:12 pm
by Sounder
Mr. Angry would probably also respond to a good kick in the ass... I bet he'd cheer up if his wife stopped working the night shift!

It was really cool when the big GPO was under the boat last year. It was a beautiful octo. Like the wolfies, there are also reasons to keep posting about GPOs offline as well... they're harvestable (I have my fishing license and would be totally legal to harvest them if I so chose) and some folks will go catch and eat them. If you wanted treasure and someone told you where a treasure chest was (or you anonymously read where treasure was on a public forum with or without logging in), would you go look for it? I would. Tis the same with some of our underwater friends... our underwater treasure that we consider more valuable alive than on a plate.