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First Trip to the Corsair

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 8:46 am
by thefeve
NWBrewer, Monk and I dove the Corsair last night. It was my first trip to any of the Lake Washington wrecks. It was so much cooler than I had thought! We got some good gopro footage between the three of us, but haven't had time to put a video together. I'll try and post something in the next few days.

We found the line and made it the wreck pretty quick, in less than 6 or 7 minutes, spent 26 or so minutes on the wreck before I misunderstood a pressure check from Monk and we turned and headed out a bit early. Better to be safe, but we probably could have spent a few more minutes checking things out. Ended the dive with some messin' around on the scoots in the shallows and a doing a valve drill. All in all a really fun dive. Exactly what I've been needing!

That dive definitely got me more excited to check out some of the other wrecks within my reach in the lake. It was really cool to see such a cool part of history that the vast majority of people will never see in person. I think that's one of the really cool perks of diving :supz: Viz was great, no current (used to diving in the sound), and lots of cool stuff to look over - hard to beat that!

It's funny when I try and tell some of my buddies how cool it was, their first response is - "that's cool, but that really scares me". I don't think dark water appeals to the masses. But for me, it made me that much more thankful for how much cool stuff there is to see that I still haven't been to here in the PNW.

Thanks to Jake and Charlie for a great dive, lookin' forward to doing it again! Maybe next time the traffic won't suck so terribly bad getting down there...