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it's been awhile , need to get wet again

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 6:32 pm
by Don-B
Well it been 6 mouths since I've been diving. Lots of life problems getting in the way. First off back in November I broke a tooth which cracked another . Ended up getting a bad infection .So with a mouth in pain there was no way I was going to hold a regular in my mouth. So 5k and a month later the mouth was all fixed up. Then a few days before I was going to dive i blew a muscle out in my leg. That was during my Christmas break. We'll that took a month to heal. The next dive planned was for the first week in February but we called it off because of the weather. So I took the dirt bike out and proceeded to bust
my ribs up. It really sucks when you can't cough, bend over, lay down, raise your arms up well you get the point.
So they took 2 months to heal up.
So now it's May I'm all healed up and ready to go.
You think I would be all excited but there's one more little problem. My wife confided in me that she doesn't like me diving and would rather have me not. It's OK for me to race dirt bikes and get busted up but not to dive? She is worried I mite drown and never be found.
So the question is give up diving or piss the wife off.

Re: it's been awhile , need to get wet again

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 7:57 pm
by Scubie Doo
Yikes, sorry to hear about all the struggles. That's a tough one.

Get a pony and explain redundancy to your wife and let her know it's safe. If she knew you were taking precautions that may help.

Re: it's been awhile , need to get wet again

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 9:22 pm
by Penopolypants
The only things that go away when you ignore them are your teeth and your wife.

That being said, I can't think of any diver in the immediate area in the last ten years or so who was never found after they died. That, uh, may or may not alleviate her fears.

You have demonstrated that you're very good at getting injured in your other various activities, but haven't been injured while diving, so there's that! You can also add redundancy (buddy teams, doubles, etc.) while diving to increase safety, which isn't an option for many other things you do, including something as simple as walking down the street.

I am sorry you've had a rough time of it lately. Injuries suck.

Re: it's been awhile , need to get wet again

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 6:56 am
by deep diver
Wow! I have thought about many divers that have dove with in the past and have lost contact with over the years.
I have wondered how they could just stop,It's one of the few ways I can clear my mind of the world.

Re: it's been awhile , need to get wet again

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 9:14 am
by jpa
At least change your avatar. Divers should not be seen in that position! Bad karma.