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H2oDoc sighting

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 9:32 pm
by YellowEye
Howdy Folks

I was diving at Deception Pass the other day -- look at this smug guy who came into my frame. It was just too cool to be out there!
Here were some of the other sights:
Hope everyone's doing great!

Re: H2oDoc sighting

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 7:34 am
by Tom Nic
That is indeed a rare sighting in Summer!

I wonder if you could log it on a REEF survey?!?

Re: H2oDoc sighting

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 3:14 pm
by H20doctor

Re: H2oDoc sighting

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 8:22 pm
by H20doctor
you wake up late for diving Man you dont wanna go ... you grab yr scuba tank , but the PSI reads Low ... Missed Neah Bay , and Day Island wall too , you gotta fight , 4 yr right ... for Diiiiiiiiiving

Got the word From Yellow eye to hit a Deception pass tide , and i actually was able to go... with my dive computer reading 32 Days dry , and not much bubble blowing going down with me , i took the op to go and see the Place ... got the gear packed and ready to go , slack was at 1:15 so i had to leave the house at 1030 .. I arrived early to the lot to find all the summer tourist there asking me questions about " what was I doing ? " and why am i diving here ? at one point i was just trying to be nice and friendly , and gave short answers so they would let me be , so i could stage my gear and get prepped for the dive ... camera was Good to go , and pre gear dive check was good ... Yellow eye Brought me a tank , Thanks Buddy Pal .. and we had another diver there , who Yellow eye knew , but i didnt know him ? ...
The reports coming from Jan K about deception was the tides were running late for some reason ? , and not behaving as tide predictions went.I would call this Bad tides , who needed a spanking.. gear ready 2 go we walked down and the 4 of us got into the water.. Now the waves and current were stirring , and there was lots of washing machine Flow action right off the kelp at the beach... yellow eye swam close to the cliff face , and i took the Balls out swim , to head straight off the shore so i could get swept out , and blown around the corner... LOL well as Yellow eye kicked , i got picked up by the current and spit into the first Cove..LOL around the corner, next to the bridge footing.. AKA the toilet Bowl .. this is where most divers wait, and sit till the current slacks down .. well we did sit for a bit , boats were buzzing by, and the people Up on the bridge were gathering and Looking down at us like we were gonna die !!!, Most likely they were thinking , what the Hell are those divers doing..?? i made sure to waive at them ,LOL and they all waived back ...
At this time I told Yellow eye we should prob head around to the next cove , and sit there ... we did that , and the water with in 2 mins Slacked down... Time to drop .. down we go , Bc venting Pssshhhhhhh and Im submersed into the cold green waters of deception pass .. Im in a shallow kelp bed and the Shiner perch are schooling around me, I follow down the rocks and see Large floor coverings of red and orange cucumber fields... spots of anemones and sponges.... Down now to 30 feet and the current is fairly strong pushing me and Yellow eye , my goal right now is to hunker down into a Nook or crack and stay there until it calms down .. I find a nice spot to wedge Myself and Yellow eye does the same .. It took another 20 mins for the current to calm down , and at one point in the dive I had a Up dwelling come out of know where and Blow me Up 10 feet ... I normally dont dive this spot at deception , due to the currents .. I like to go father east , way down to the power lines ,, per Jack and his wisdom of the Pass.. We sat in the spot for a Long time and i managed to drop to 50 ish feet , and check out the sites ... Viz was decent 20 ish feet , and Lots to see here as always , red Irish Lords .. Pink strawberry anemones , pink brooding anems , huge Barnacles walls Of epic ness , yellow sponges , crabs covered in sponges, ling Cods .. kelp greenlings swimming to and Fro .. I heard Yellow eye at one time Yelling Woooo Hoooo in his reg , as he was full of excitement to be here once again.. I turned at 1000 PSI and let the punishing current throw me back to the beach... But i knew i was going to have to face the dreaded back eddy Toilet bowl , on the last leg ... and Yep at 40 feet I hit it .. i kicked and kicked against that sucker , but i wasnt making much head way .. so I did my 3 min stop at 13 feet holding onto Bull kelp being Blown east ... Once i was on the surface i had to swim out and away from the rocks to get back to the beach.. Normally Id just use my scooter and avoid all of this non sense.. I dont mind kicking .. but dang a scooter at deception sure makes it easy stuff ... A big thanks to Yellow eye for the dive , the free tank of air .. and some great pics ...
b w glove.JPG
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me and eric.jpg
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Re: H2oDoc sighting

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 10:23 pm
by Gdog
Great pic YE, and great video Doc!!! Mrs Gdog loved it too. I'm almost ready for my intro dive at deception...