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ThThTh 11/9

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 1:00 am
by bradmond
This Thursday was not your typical ThThTh. Scubie Doo, Gdog, and I met at 5pm to get a dive in before the WSA meeting at the MAST center.

Visibility was excellent allowing us to see many of the usual creatures seen at Redondo. There were many very small Octos out, Sailfin Sculpins at the big pipe, and Jesse and George found at least 3 Lumpies in the shallows on the south end. Wish I could do more ThThTh dives.

This was my 2nd dive trying out my tripod setup. I had just set it down and ready to do a little video of a Stubby and before I could adjust anything it leaped into action.

Here's what I was able to capture. Sorry ScubaJess, you may not like this.

Re: ThThTh 11/9

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 6:24 am
by ScubaJess
Wow!!!! That was sooo awesome and kinda sad all at the same time!!! Great job filming that! I like how he turned so many colors & the shrimp had mad escape skills too! :)

It was so good to see you Brad! Hopefully we can dive with you soon!! Have a great weekend!

Re: ThThTh 11/9

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 9:16 am
by Gdog
Brad that was epic! Very cool! I took a shot of a Stubby a couple years back, and when I was looking through the pics later, realized he had a partially eaten shrimp he was working on....
Stubby Squid eating shrimp.jpg
Thanks for diving with us, the vis was incredible! 40'+ easily. Hopefully we get more vis like that this winter.
I didnt grab any shots even close to what you did Brad, but here are a few I took;
Escape Artist Baby GPO.jpg
Stubbie Squid Swimming.jpg
Tiny PSL Posing.jpg
Stubbie Squid.jpg
Pacific Spiny Lumpsucker.jpg
This was a cool find that Jesse pointed out....This Snailfish was unusually colored, and posted up vertically on a piece of pipe or something. Not a good shot, hopefully Jesse has a better one
Really a memorable dive, even with all the rain. Hope it stays!

Re: ThThTh 11/9

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 10:32 am
by Scubie Doo
Brad, that was awesome! It looked like the stubby shot an arm out like a cuttlefish. I’ve never seen that before.

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Re: ThThTh 11/9

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 11:23 am
by bradmond
ScubaJess wrote:Wow!!!! That was sooo awesome and kinda sad all at the same time!!! Great job filming that! I like how he turned so many colors & the shrimp had mad escape skills too! :)

It was so good to see you Brad! Hopefully we can dive with you soon!! Have a great weekend!
Thank you SJ!! Good to see you guys too.

Re: ThThTh 11/9

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 11:27 am
by bradmond
Gdog wrote:Brad that was epic! Very cool! I took a shot of a Stubby a couple years back, and when I was looking through the pics later, realized he had a partially eaten shrimp he was working on....
Thanks George...its fun to find things in pictures that you didn't notice earlier. That Snailfish shot is amazing and can't get enough pics of PSL's.

Re: ThThTh 11/9

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 11:31 am
by bradmond
Scubie Doo wrote:Brad, that was awesome! It looked like the stubby shot an arm out like a cuttlefish. I’ve never seen that before.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It does look like it shot out something and grabbed it. They move so fast!!

Re: ThThTh 11/9

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 1:41 pm
by stphnmartin
Awesome capture Brad! Never seen that before. Sweet!

Great shots gdog. Like the stubby in the water column. Definitely Cozumel like viz!

Re: ThThTh 11/9

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 2:20 pm
by ScubaJess
Epic PSL shots!!!! And stubby action that guy had mad ninja skills! You guys are so cool!!!

Greetings from Vancouver!

Had a fun dive a Porteau cove! Now onto whytcliff it's rainy but excellent viz!!! :)
Have a great weekend!!

Re: ThThTh 11/9

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 5:09 pm
by Tom Nic
I Love the shots of the two long arms that squid have for nailing their prey. Such a great capture of a not often seen behavior!