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Mukilteo clay wall 10/9/07

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 6:05 am
by Nwbrewer
Had a nice dive at the mukilteo clay wall yesterday. Out of 40 or so pics, I'd say ~30 actually turned out, which is a vast improvement over some of my recent dives that seemed to have a 1/100 ratio for keepers.

Here's a few I liked. CC always welcome.



Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 7:06 pm
by Fishstiq
Jake, I'll be at the wall on friday, about 6:15ish pm in the parking lot, if you're interested.... also, congrats on improving your keepers ratio!! =D> I'm still at that "keep 1, trash 100" stage, ](*,) but every so often i get one that rocks!!