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Me, myself and I

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 11:47 am
by Neutral Buoyancy
Greetings Northwest Divers! And thank you for letting me join your club. I lived in Seattle for 5 years, we moved down to Arizona for 2 years, and in about 2 weeks we are moving back! In January of 2004 the in laws and I went on a eastern carribean cruise. I really never had the desire to scuba dive, the thought sort of scared me. All that pressure, the bends!!! :smt119 Ha ha! Well my brother-in-law was going to take a dive class on the ship and I couldn't let him out do me, so I joined him. We did our pool dives on the ship, 2 open water in St. Thomas and 2 open water in Nassau. I was HOOKED! Nassau has a lot of reef sharks and we dove on the set where they were filming "Into the Blue" but that is another story. Back home in Seattle, 2 months later, I did one dive in Redondo. Froze. Then 6 months later my buddy brother-in-law and I went to Nainaimo and worked on our advanced openwater. Well, I didn't finish because of seasickness. :vom: We moved to Arizona and I waited to dive, waited to dive, ](*,) longed for a dive. Finally this may I got the chance to go on a weekend dive trip to San Carlos, Mexico San Carlos is supposed to have excellent vis. But for some reason, this particular weekend, it was horrible. I joked, “Hey this is just like being back in the Puget Sound again.” But I finished my advanced class and got nitro certified at the same time. So it wasn’t a total loss. Over the next couple weeks I got the chance to do 4 more dives in Lake Pleasant, here in Phoenix. The vis sucks here in the lake too. But even so I found myself starting to like it. Just so long as I got to dive. Now we’re moving back to Seattle and I’m definitely interested in taking a dry suit course and diving with some of you.


Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 7:06 pm
by Joshua Smith
Hey, Brian, welcome to the club- see you in the water!

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 7:40 pm
by Tom Nic
Welcome Brian! Diving in the Northwest is SO amazing... once you deal with the temperature and the viz, it's a piece of cake, and there is really so much wonderful stuff to do under our waters.

To quote the Borg.... "Resistance is futile. You too will be assimilated." It's only a matter of time...

Tom Nic

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 8:50 pm
by Tangfish
Hi Brian and welcome to the club. I am a fellow tropical transplant. It takes awhile to get acquainted with the species around the Puget Sound (plankton, fish.... and divers). We're happy to help with that transition.

Let us know when you're planted and settled :bounce:

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 12:40 pm
Hey Brian! :hello2:
Not to sure on how to say your screen name.
Anyway, Welcome!
If you like to dive, you have found the right club.
Just a bunch of fun people with a huge range of experience.
Our first real club dive was a huge success. And I'm sure they will keep getting better. It was fun to include our Non-Diving Wives, they also had some things in common to talk about. I think most of it was good [-X

Hope to dive with you soon,

Bassman (Keith)

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 2:49 pm
by sparky

Welcome to our P.O.D. I think you are going to like it here, you will find we have every thing from the wide range of members here there are a couple instructors or so , at least one of our members wrights for a grate dive Mag. there is a large range of experiance and skill in our members as well , every thing from the just certified last weekend to well seasond divers.

So welcome and hurry here so we can get wet together

by the way you do relise as a member youi now have to post reports and clue us in to the diving in your area now right you never know when one of us might be down that way looking for a place to dive and a dive budy.

Welcome and dive safe but most important post offten so we can get to know youy a little better.


More about me/post dive reports

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 6:38 pm
by Neutral Buoyancy
Ok ok first thanks for the warm welcome. Second Benedikt is pronounced just like Benedict. As you would say Pope Benedict, eggs benedict and Benedict Arnold. It's an old spelling I found on a Swiss arms list from around 1350-1400 AD. I take some part in the S.C.A. An organization that recreates the middle ages. :axe: Yeah I'm one of those people! :smt119 Whoo Hoo Koo Koo!! Right, and so the name just sort of stuck with everything else.

As far as getting to know me better, and some post dive reports try my blog. I created it on June 20th. There are no post dive reports about my open water dives in the Caribbean yet. Hmmm, I see some new material here. Maybe I'll do that in the next few days. Or you can look at some dive photos here-
Yeah I think if I can conquer the cold I will love diving in the Northwest. On my last few dives I've been feeling really confident but don't let it go to my head. Even though I haven't done as much diving as I'd like to in the last few years I like to read a lot about it. :book: I like to stay educated about it.

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 6:26 am
Great pictures!
I can see how easy it would be, to get warm water spoiled.

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 9:28 am
by Neutral Buoyancy
Yes, and the pictures really don't do it justice. The camera didn't capture all the color at depth. Our last computer went down and I lost all the photos of our St. Thomas dive.

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 5:15 pm
by Aquanautchuck
Welcome to a great site with great people. We just had a dive/camping weekend and everyone had fun. We all saw a ton of life and ate some awsome food. Let us know when you get up here.


Post Dive Reports

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 10:50 pm
by Neutral Buoyancy
by the way you do relise as a member youi now have to post reports and clue us in to the diving in your area now right you never know when one of us might be down that way looking for a place to dive and a dive budy.
Hey Sparky I typed up a few post dive reports about my open water dives in St Thomas and Nassau for ya. There on my blog. The link is in one of my messages above.

Re: Post Dive Reports

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 5:24 pm
by sparky
Benedikt wrote:
by the way you do relise as a member youi now have to post reports and clue us in to the diving in your area now right you never know when one of us might be down that way looking for a place to dive and a dive budy.
Hey Sparky I typed up a few post dive reports about my open water dives in St Thomas and Nassau for ya. There on my blog. The link is in one of my messages above.
Tight i will give them a read thanks..

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 8:21 pm
by Maverick
Hello and happy to have you here, Eggs Benedikt. MMMMMMM