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Seeking Videos for 3rd Season of Underwater TV series

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 10:29 pm
by stillhope
You don't have to be David Attenborough or Stan Waterman. SEA-Inside: Pacific Northwest is looking for videos that highlight what's beneath the surface of PNW waters. Videos of any length from a few seconds to 20 minutes or so will be considered for this half-hour video-magazine style show. Note that I can only broadcast your video if you have all rights to everything in the video, including music and likenesses.

SEA-Inside: PNW is a non-profit project in association with Northwest Film Forum. It airs on over 3 dozen cable-access stations, half on the West Coast and the other half from B.C. to Florida, from S. Calif to Washington DC -- oh, even to MA, VT, and NH. Most episodes are available on-demand on the internet -- so take a peek there if your local community cable station doesn't air it.

Any genre will be enthusiastically considered. I especially treasure, since I get so few, experimental, educational, and art videos -- go ahead, get wacky! For some examples of underwater art that has been rendered in video, see episodes containing the work of Karlista Rickerson, Karen Perry, and Jan Kocian.

As long as you've sunk all that money and time into underwater video, why not strut your stuff? For more info, visit: -- way more prestigious (and more bandwidth) than YouTube.