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I like Diving CCR

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 6:11 pm
by mattwave
Ok, I know pretty random and all, but this has been a quiet forum for a while and there are a few "Newer" CCR divers and recently Mixed Gas trained CCR divers here - HOW'S IT HANGING FOLKS?

Any happy experiences or alarming notches on your belts you feel like sharing?

I have been loving every minute of diving my CCR and happy to hear so many feel the same!

Disclaimer - :occasion5:

Re: I like Diving CCR

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 7:42 pm
by Joshua Smith
I love my CCR! I recently went through about 10 or 12 dives in a row where I felt like a beginner all over again, but starting with my trip to Port Hardy, everything seemed to click into place again, and I got happy all over. It was weird; I didn't have a very difficult transition from OC to CCR, but after 50-60 dives, I started struggling with buoyancy and trim, and just started feeling like I sucked at diving......Now, I've pulled off a few non-beginner type dives with the Meg, and got my confidence up a few notches.......and it really hit me the other night, screwing around looking for bottles and fish and whatever at 140 feet: "This is the only way to fly!" We just barely hit a little bit of deco, had lots of bottom time below 100', so quiet Calvin and I could talk to each other, nice warm loop gas.....

Re: I like Diving CCR

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 11:22 pm
by YellowEye
Hi Matt
Put simply, it's going great, I'm loving it too :occasion5:

I have dragged my CCR to all the fun northwest locations, like Neah Bay, Port Hardy, Nanaimo, Hornby, Gabriola, Sechelt, etc -- it has never let me down.

Best part though are the 90 min+ local night shore dives. Lots of bottom time at depth without the hassle of a surface interval, a surface swim, or backbreaking doubles.

I haven't done too much mixed gas stuff though. Maybe this summer.

Re: I like Diving CCR

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 2:43 pm
by mattwave
11 Lake Dives so far in May and only 48cf of Helium Consumed - can anyone say Going Green? :hello2:

Re: I like Diving CCR

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 7:10 pm
by Joshua Smith
mattwave wrote:Nice!
11 Lake Dives so far in May and only 48cf of Helium Consumed - can anyone say Going Green? :hello2:

I like recycling. :supz:

Re: I like Diving CCR

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 12:00 am
by Tangfish
I think I'm starting to hit my stride, though I'm far from as comfortable as I was on OC. I think that there's some truth to the thought that the more comfortable you were on OC, the more you have to re-learn on CC. I can't wait until I get back to the point where I didn't even notice my dive gear (it was just an extension of me) and I just focused on getting good photos. For now, I'm very conscious of everything that's going on with the Shearwater, my buoyancy, the HUD, my loop, the counterlungs, my trim.... aaaaaargh! It is fun as a gear-o-phile though, to play with all of the stuff and then see it assembled, looking all badass and all. :supz:

Re: I love Diving CCR

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 10:10 pm
by ljjames
I watch my OC buddys bubbles and whilst swimming through them, think...

"MY GOD that is a lot of gas just bubbling away.."

swim swim swim

"GOOD LORD those bubbles are HUGE! how much gas can they have left?"

swim swim swim..

"poor things have got to be just about out of air... good thing we are in 10' of water"

oh ya, and i LOVE being warm, and I love feeling SO good after an hour plus at 100+ feet... That constant PO2 thing was something I hadn't really thought through when I started down this path... BIG difference!

Re: I love Diving CCR

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 11:26 pm
by Joshua Smith
ljjames wrote:I watch my OC buddys bubbles and whilst swimming through them, think...

"MY GOD that is a lot of gas just bubbling away.."

swim swim swim

"GOOD LORD those bubbles are HUGE! how much gas can they have left?"

swim swim swim..

"poor things have got to be just about out of air... good thing we are in 10' of water"

oh ya, and i LOVE being warm, and I love feeling SO good after an hour plus at 100+ feet... That constant PO2 thing was something I hadn't really thought through when I started down this path... BIG difference!
Way to exhume an old thread! Are those Neoprene counterlungs in your new Avatar? How do you like them?

Re: I like Diving CCR

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 11:58 pm
by ljjames
nah, those are regular ones in size pygmy that leon sewed down smaller for
me, my neo's are coming after we actually measure my childsized lung volume :)