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Advanced CCR Trimix

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 5:27 pm
by Tangfish
Well, this afternoon Nailer and I (and Larry) threw up our caps (hoods?) as we graduated from Advanced CCR Trimix (I think this is called Mod 3 in some circles). It seems like forever, but just 7 months ago I started my first CCR class, Air Diluent CCR cert. It did take me months to find the groove on the Meg, but sometime along the way it just clicked. I'm glad I stuck with it because honestly, those first dozen dives or so had me thinking *what have I done?*. Now I feel pretty natural in the water again, not as carefree as on OC before I made the switch, but definitely confident, which is huge.

I never thought that I'd be diving with this much *crap* attached to me. This is coming from a guy who was thrilled when he got an Atomic SS1 because I wanted to eliminate every hose possible on his regulator (I also had a wireless computer). Now, our diving rigs are so complex that we look like we're going on combat missions and it takes some real planning, preparation and help to go on dives.

My toolbox used to be a big green van that I hoped would happen to be around when I needed a wrench or some o-ring lube. Now, I not only have my own toolbox with me, I can actually assemble, disassemble and fix most gear-related issues with my rig (which is a very daunting set of challenges when one first sees what goes into a rebreather).

I don't feel like I have a really high chance of dying on every dive, because I'm not sure if I put an o-ring or part on backward, and I actually know what's going on with the gas planning, mixes, PO2s, etc. In all, I'm really glad I made the decision to go closed circuit, though it will still be awhile until I'm back at the level of muscle memory and comfort that will allow me to shoot photos like I used to. But, when I finally get there, I'll have such a wider range of subjects to shoot, given the range of the Megalodon.

Anyway, diving a rebreather is not for everyone out there, and I don't think that I would enjoy it like I do, had I not taken the time to stop and smell the roses along the way (learning many things on open circuit first). I will always love the simplicity of being able to toss a tank and some basic gear in the truck to go diving on the spur of the moment, but I have to say that I am actually enjoying prepping the rebreather and going through all the various precise procedures one has to go through to make the machine work. It's challenging, very challenging... but most importantly - it's fun again. :supz:

Anyone who's interested in learning more about rebreathers should consider checking out the upcoming Rebreather Experience. It was my first exposure to rebreathers, *exactly* one year ago, tomorrow. What a year of diving this has been.

Re: Advanced CCR Trimix

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 5:38 pm
by Joshua Smith
w00t! Yeah, that was good fun today! I'm really stoked that you like diving the Meg, now- You were on a little break from diving when I went through my first 20 or 30 awkward "post class" dives- as you know, it gets a lot better. But, yeah, the CCR is a demanding mistress- it will never be as carefree as slipping into a singles rig and splashing- but I really, truly, love it. I think I really became a commited rebreather freak today, when we had to do the Open circuit bailout from 180 feet in the lake......all of a sudden, I was surrounded by noisy, irritating bubbles, breathing cold, dry, trimix, and my hard-won buoyancy went to hell in a handbasket- as I tried to vent my wing, my suit, and my freaking rebreather, all at once on the ascent! I wanted to get back on my loop SO BAD! Anyway, let's go do some more dives soon!

Re: Advanced CCR Trimix

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 5:43 pm
by John Rawlings
Congratulations, guys!!!! =D>

Re: Advanced CCR Trimix

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 5:54 pm
by Tangfish
Nailer, I didn't even realize it till I was typing about the rebreather experience, but isn't it amazing that it's been exactly 364 days since we first tried those rebreathers in the pool in Mill Creek? Seems like ages ago!

PS - now that we're done with class I can't wait to use my pink retractor again \:D/

Re: Advanced CCR Trimix

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:03 pm
by Joshua Smith
tangfish wrote:Nailer, I didn't even realize it till I was typing about the rebreather experience, but isn't it amazing that it's been exactly 364 days since we first tried those rebreathers in the pool in Mill Creek? Seems like ages ago!

PS - now that we're done with class I can't wait to use my pink retractor again \:D/

No pink retractors. That's a deal-breaker. Neon green is acceptable, however.

(I'll be damned- it has been a year since we went to the RBE- time flies, no? )

Re: Advanced CCR Trimix

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:07 pm
by Tangfish
I like diving split fins and being an entanglement hazard. :evil4:

Re: Advanced CCR Trimix

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 10:48 am
by Sounder
Congrats guys!! That's a fantastic acccomplishment!! \:D/ =D>

Re: Advanced CCR Trimix

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 11:28 am
by Dmitchell
Excellent Guys!

So when are we going diving?


Re: Advanced CCR Trimix

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 11:37 am
by mattwave
Congrats! :fish:

Re: Advanced CCR Trimix

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 1:57 pm
by Diver_C
Great job!!! Glad you-all like your CCRs. Hope to see you soon!

Re: Advanced CCR Trimix

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 4:50 am
by scubagrunt
great work Josh and Calvin, it was an interesting adventure to say the least =D> i guess no more :violent1: for you guys !! btw BOOOOM :boxing: