You may want to re-think your offer...

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You may want to re-think your offer...

Post by Kalatin »

So, several members of this board have been kind enough to offer to dive with my inept @ss this weekend. I figured that in the spirit of honesty, I would drink a few beers and give you all fair warning for what you are in for. I promise, I won't hold it against you if you bail on our dives.

So, first things first. We get in the water at Redondo and I get my fins on in the water without either: 1) tipping over backward and flailing about trying to reach my feet; 2) begging for help from a buddy; or (3) dropping some other item of gear (mask, gloves, my pride, etc...) and having to search the bottom for said item. Thing are off to a good start. For about a minute.

Evidently, it helps if your BC doesn't start to leak like a sieve during your surface swim. So there I am, with no air in my BC, overweighted, and trying desperately to get my buddy's attention while I am sinking to the bottom. Seriously, it probably looked like some cartoon. I ended up holding on to my buddy so I could tell him the problem. (This is a good time to mention that my dive buddy is possibly the nicest, most patient man I have met in many years. I owe him many beers for putting up with me). After struggling back to standing depth, we (meaning my buddy) diagnose and repair the problem with the BC (brand new gear, doohickey not properly tightened, easy fix) and I can float gloriously. All set, right?

Down we go for exploring and crab hunting. For about 20 wonderful minutes, I actually have my buoyancy under control! Finally! I started to remember why diving was so much fun. I start to think that maybe this cold water diving thing is not so bad. We play with some crabs and i learn how to tell the boys from the girls. Chasing crabs is much fun and I get to giggle as my buddy tries to detach a crab from his finger and let air out of his BC at the same time. For a few moments, it looked like the crab was winning the Diver-Crab war, especially when the crab managed to get both claws on my buddy and was hanging on for all he was worth. I imagine that Mr. Crab was very tasty tonight.

Then I figure out that my BC has evidently started to leak air again (or I am just hoovering at a stunning rate, but it could have been the BC), because i am down below 900 psi. :smt119 I signal my gracious buddy (who started with less air than me) to turn due to low air and we head up. Once again, buddy is to the rescue and shares his air with me for our SS. I finished with right at 500 psi. My dive buddy finished with a crab and a bunch of air. I feel terrible for cutting his dive short.

Lessons learned:

1. I owe my wonderful buddy many cocktails. :occasion5: Did I also mention the pretty vicious kick I delivered to my buddy when he was chasing a crab? As I said, no problem if you want to bail on me for future dives. Also, he didn't laugh at me a single time. I do enjoy not being laughed at when i am being clumsy or inept.
2. I am going to try and drown my BC in the tub to figure out the problem before I hit the water Friday.
3. I still have no idea how I went through 2500 psi in such short order. The first half of the dive, consumption was pretty typical (not good, but not terrible). During the second half of the dive, 1000 psi disappeared VERY fast. I may never know why, but I know that on my next dive, I am going to be monitoring my air supply more closely than ever.
4. I am definitely not a "natural" diver.
5. Three beers overcomes my unwillingness to swallow my pride and admit how bad I am at this. :pale:
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Re: You may want to re-think your offer...

Post by Grateful Diver »

Sounds like some of my early dives ... trust me, it gets better ... :supz:

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Re: You may want to re-think your offer...

Post by Nwbrewer »

Kalatin wrote: Lessons learned:

1. I owe my wonderful buddy many cocktails. :occasion5: Did I also mention the pretty vicious kick I delivered to my buddy when he was chasing a crab? As I said, no problem if you want to bail on me for future dives. Also, he didn't laugh at me a single time. I do enjoy not being laughed at when i am being clumsy or inept.
2. I am going to try and drown my BC in the tub to figure out the problem before I hit the water Friday.
3. I still have no idea how I went through 2500 psi in such short order. The first half of the dive, consumption was pretty typical (not good, but not terrible). During the second half of the dive, 1000 psi disappeared VERY fast. I may never know why, but I know that on my next dive, I am going to be monitoring my air supply more closely than ever.
4. I am definitely not a "natural" diver.
5. Three beers overcomes my unwillingness to swallow my pride and admit how bad I am at this. :pale:
Not to worry, I think we've all been there. One of the nice things about shore diving with newer divers is getting dives cut short isn't a real big deal, especially if you tell your buddy before hand (ie they know what they are getting into.)

It sounds like pretty typical new diver excitement/exertion got you, I used to blow through my an al80 in about 20 minutes at EUP. #-o

You may want to think about doing some "look at the pretty fishes" dives for a while before you go out crabbing more, just work on getting your bouyancy under control and learning to relax before you start adding more things to worry about (task loading). You're also probably still overweighted/out of trim, both of those things can have a HUGE impact on how fast you go through your gas. Your consumption will go down with time, the best thing you can do is keep diving, be willing to learn.

If you ever get up north of Seattle I'll dive with ya.

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Re: You may want to re-think your offer...

Post by Penopolypants »

That sounds like many of my first dives too, except I would have been pretty stressed trying to solve a problem underwater, and I would have been too nervous to go crabbing, even with an excellent buddy. It was a long time before I could do any of that!

I’m not a natural diver either, but I can’t think of any sport that I have had more fun overcoming that. :supz:

I agree with Jake, too, that you were pretty task loaded and that wears you down during the course of the dive, which in turn affects your air consumption. The solution to that is more diving - which is a tough job, I know. :)
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Re: You may want to re-think your offer...

Post by smike »

Yeah, I owe it to buddy with a newer diver. I am only at dive 36, so I am still feeling pretty green myself, but, I was way greener before... I would dive with you.

I wouldn't be surprised if you feel totally more comfortable in say 10 more dives. Buy a 10 fill card at your favorite dive shop, and use it to just dive and look... then pass judgement on how you feel about diving. That 10 fill card is a better investment than the beer. OK, just kidding...

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Re: You may want to re-think your offer...

Post by Dusty2 »

Boy do I remember those days! Some of my first few dives were very memorable. The scuba gods are quick to teach humility. That is why we have dive buddies. Just make sure those buddies are somewhat experienced for awhile. Going into the water with another inexperienced diver can get you both in big trouble real fast. An experienced cool head is very important till you train your brain how to react properly in the water. Most of us are patient with new divers because we know where your at and have been there ourselves. As long as you listen and learn you will have dive buddies. Be humble and voice your concerns and questions and don't let your ego stop you from getting the information and training you need and you will soon be helping other newbies. Know your limits and dive accordingly and it will get better. You never really stop learning in this sport.

Work with the simple stuff till it becomes second nature. It may seem boring but someday when the unexpected happens it will kick in and save your butt!
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Re: You may want to re-think your offer...

Post by dwashbur »

As with so many other things, nobody is born knowing this stuff. And at the end of my OW class, our instructor said something that has stayed with me through 150 dives to date: you have not learned how to dive. You have been given permission to proceed to the real learning. Frankly, I'd say you're right on schedule. I echo what was said about how cool you stayed in the face of an underwater problem (the BC), I don't know how many of us would have been able to do that in the early days. As for air consumption, it seems the bottom half of the tank always goes faster than the top half. It may have something to do with getting tired as the dive progresses, it may have to do with task loading, and especially crabbing as you were doing, or it may just be a case of "I got comfortable and didn't check the gauge as often as I did earlier in the dive." That happens to my wife all the time, which is why I try to be a good buddy and check her air regularly for her. We're hoping to head back to Washington some time in the Fall, and you're welcome to dive with us any time. We're all on the same journey here. Some of us are further down the road than others, but to be blunt, anybody who would look down on your for inexperience has forgotten where they came from.

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Re: You may want to re-think your offer...

Post by Sounder »

Sounds like something many of us have been through. I agree with the others - more time in the water will translate to greater comfort.

A couple suggestions:

1. Take one thing at a time. Go out with some big buddies* who with the dive plan being to swim around and give you time to get, and be, comfortable in the water. Don't worry about chasing crabs, going deep, going spearfishing, or really doing anything but blowing bubbles for a while. The less tasks you're managing, the faster things will progress.

2. Ask questions. Lots of questions. There are lots of seasoned folks here who can offer help.

3. Ask Penelope and Lynne to take you diving.

*Big Buddies: Perhaps we should organize another big buddy dive sometime soon. I picture a Big Buddy as someone who has many dives (like at least several hundred), who has great skills, and who enjoys diving with new divers. I've got a little micro-buddy about to show up, but perhaps in 2-3 weeks we could put something together?? :dontknow:
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Re: You may want to re-think your offer...

Post by LCF »

You not only sound like me as a new diver, you WRITE like me as a new diver! You might get a kick out of reading the journal of my open water class, which is here:

I wouldn't be surprised if some of your high gas consumption was the crab rodeo. It's not exactly placid, relaxed diving, you know . . .

Anyway, I'd be delighted to go diving with you any time. I suspect we would laugh a lot -- at ourselves, diving, and life in general!
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Re: You may want to re-think your offer...

Post by Dmitchell »

We all have our days! Even after thousands of dives crap happens! Get back out there and keep working on it.

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Re: You may want to re-think your offer...

Post by Sounder »

Sounder wrote:3. Ask Penelope and Lynne to take you diving.
LCF wrote:You not only sound like me as a new diver, you WRITE like me as a new diver! You might get a kick out of reading the journal of my open water class, which is here:

I wouldn't be surprised if some of your high gas consumption was the crab rodeo. It's not exactly placid, relaxed diving, you know . . .

Anyway, I'd be delighted to go diving with you any time. I suspect we would laugh a lot -- at ourselves, diving, and life in general!
Kalatin - definitely accept this offer!! :bounce:
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Re: You may want to re-think your offer...

Post by Tom Nic »

Kalatin wrote: Lessons learned:

1. I owe my wonderful buddy many cocktails. :occasion5: Did I also mention the pretty vicious kick I delivered to my buddy when he was chasing a crab? As I said, no problem if you want to bail on me for future dives. Also, he didn't laugh at me a single time. I do enjoy not being laughed at when i am being clumsy or inept.
2. I am going to try and drown my BC in the tub to figure out the problem before I hit the water Friday.
3. I still have no idea how I went through 2500 psi in such short order. The first half of the dive, consumption was pretty typical (not good, but not terrible). During the second half of the dive, 1000 psi disappeared VERY fast. I may never know why, but I know that on my next dive, I am going to be monitoring my air supply more closely than ever.
4. I am definitely not a "natural" diver.
5. Three beers overcomes my unwillingness to swallow my pride and admit how bad I am at this. :pale:
Thanks for telling the story Kalatin! And quite frankly, we need more stories like yours. Sometimes reading the board you'd get the impression that everyone here is a Cave / Tec / Superman diver obsessing over 6 inches of trim and whether or not they should touch a line while doing deco. That can be very discouraging as a newer diver when we're just trying to figure things out and decide if we can do this or not.
dwashbur wrote:As with so many other things, nobody is born knowing this stuff. And at the end of my OW class, our instructor said something that has stayed with me through 150 dives to date: you have not learned how to dive. You have been given permission to proceed to the real learning. Frankly, I'd say you're right on schedule.
Very well said! There are VERY few people that took to Scuba like a "natural" and were doing amazing after a few dives. It is NOT a natural activity, and we wear 50 to 100lbs of crap on our bodies to prove it!

I'd say the number one thing you've got going for you is humility (even if fueled by a couple of libations) and the willingness to learn. Keep that, and go diving with good folks, and you're well on your way!
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Re: You may want to re-think your offer...

Post by Penopolypants »

Sounder wrote:
3. Ask Penelope and Lynne to take you diving.
We're diving this weekend!

Sounder wrote: *Big Buddies: Perhaps we should organize another big buddy dive sometime soon. I picture a Big Buddy as someone who has many dives (like at least several hundred), who has great skills, and who enjoys diving with new divers. I've got a little micro-buddy about to show up, but perhaps in 2-3 weeks we could put something together?? :dontknow:
That's funny, I woke up this morning and remembered that I had wanted to schedule a Big Buddy dive in August but had never gotten around to it. Perhaps it's time to do that now.
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Re: You may want to re-think your offer...

Post by Sounder »

Penopolypants wrote:
Sounder wrote:
3. Ask Penelope and Lynne to take you diving.
We're diving this weekend!

Sounder wrote: *Big Buddies: Perhaps we should organize another big buddy dive sometime soon. I picture a Big Buddy as someone who has many dives (like at least several hundred), who has great skills, and who enjoys diving with new divers. I've got a little micro-buddy about to show up, but perhaps in 2-3 weeks we could put something together?? :dontknow:
That's funny, I woke up this morning and remembered that I had wanted to schedule a Big Buddy dive in August but had never gotten around to it. Perhaps it's time to do that now.
Yes, that would be a great idea!! I can't really plan anything now, but might be able to attend depending on what the little man requires.

Hopefully Kate can hook up with you all this weekend!! :prayer: \:D/
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Re: You may want to re-think your offer...

Post by Tom Nic »

Sounder wrote:I can't really plan anything now, but might be able to attend depending on what the little man requires.
Hey, maybe we can make it a Club Dive / Sounder Shows Off The Little Guy dive!!
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Re: You may want to re-think your offer...

Post by Layner »

If you get a big buddy dive going, please let me know. I'll keep my eye on the forums since it is my favorite place to blow off work at anyway, but I would love to get some tips. My instructors have limited time to go out given their classes etc, so getting time with a "pro" has been challenging. Doesn't keep me away from the water, but it does limit my growth as a diver.

BTW - Thanks for the offer to do this. Another reason I love this site! :notworthy:
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Re: You may want to re-think your offer...

Post by Zen Diver »

Hey Kalatin

As echoed above, we've all been there. I had many dives like that myself and it's how we all learn. I, too, would be happy to dive with you any time. Redondo is a great post-work site.

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Re: You may want to re-think your offer...

Post by Sounder »

Zen Diver 2 wrote:Hey Kalatin

As echoed above, we've all been there. I had many dives like that myself and it's how we all learn. I, too, would be happy to dive with you any time. Redondo is a great post-work site.

Another GREAT offer by a sweet mentor!! We'll have her calendar filled with rock-star mentors before day's end!! :supz:
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Re: You may want to re-think your offer...

Post by Sounder »

Tom Nic wrote:
Sounder wrote:I can't really plan anything now, but might be able to attend depending on what the little man requires.
Hey, maybe we can make it a Club Dive / Sounder Shows Off The Little Guy dive!!
If you ask really nicely, Baby Sounder (Dylan) might even sport his first back plate & wing thanks to our own NWBrewer!! :hello2:

Depending on when this happens, how Mrs. Sounder is doing, and what the general status of life is, this is a distinct possibility. If nothing else, I could come and skip the dive but bring the boy to give Mrs. Sounder a nap.
Layner wrote:If you get a big buddy dive going, please let me know. I'll keep my eye on the forums since it is my favorite place to blow off work at anyway, but I would love to get some tips. My instructors have limited time to go out given their classes etc, so getting time with a "pro" has been challenging. Doesn't keep me away from the water, but it does limit my growth as a diver.

BTW - Thanks for the offer to do this. Another reason I love this site! :notworthy:
The Big Buddy dives were something that really helped me meet a bunch of great mentors. Generally, they're informal club get-togethers where seasoned mentors will pair up with new divers or those looking to polish something. The rest of everyone else (between big buddy and little buddy status) just goes diving. Then, sometimes, we BBQ and have 43 different bags of chips to eat. Often we can even hire the dynamic duo Pez & Fishstiq for top-side entertainment.

Ppants - looks like we may need to chat and start contacting big buddies to see about schedules so we can set a date.
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Re: You may want to re-think your offer...

Post by LCF »

I just wanted to add here that, if any of these new divers or people wanting some mentoring can dive weekdays during the day, that's my highest amount of availabiity. I'm just having a heck of a time finding free evenings, and I've been working virtually every weekend.
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Re: You may want to re-think your offer...

Post by Sounder »

LCF wrote:I just wanted to add here that, if any of these new divers or people wanting some mentoring can dive weekdays during the day, that's my highest amount of availabiity. I'm just having a heck of a time finding free evenings, and I've been working virtually every weekend.
It'd be worth "getting sick!!" Cough cough... I can hear people starting to come down with something already. I think someone might need to "go see the doctor!" HA!! =D>
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Re: You may want to re-think your offer...

Post by CaptnJack »
Next Tuesday arriving around 6:30 to 7:00 we'll be at the "Alki pipeline". 63rd and Beach Drive SW. I think LCF is coming too. Max depth is ~35ft. Average maybe 15-20ft. Your gas should last plenty long. :)
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Re: You may want to re-think your offer...

Post by airsix »

You're gong to have so much fun diving! I KNOW this because of two things I've observed. First is your great attitude. The second is that I've noticed something as I've observed other divers (I do this because I'm always trying to learn too). I would estimate that more than half the divers I know who I classify as "highly skilled" are divers who struggled starting out. A lot of the divers who had an easy go of it in the beginning never get past mediocre. My theory is that the people who struggled in the beginning had to work to improve and as they improved they just kept working until they end up way ahead of the average. "Natural" divers seem to mostly just coast along and most don't get to that higher level. SO... I think that with your humility and get-it-done attitude, you are destined for greatness. =D>

About your next several dives: Ask your buddies to do a stationary or very small-area dive. There are so many things to see and it doesn't require constant swimming to see more than you can absorb. By not constantly moving around you'll have a better chance to get familiar with your gear, your surroundings, and how it all works and feels. Being a new diver on an "underwater fun-run" is like trying to take piano lessons on horseback. It's much easier if you can spend some time just being in one place and sorting things out. : )

You are SO going to love this. I can tell.

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Re: You may want to re-think your offer...

Post by Sounder »

CaptnJack wrote:
Next Tuesday arriving around 6:30 to 7:00 we'll be at the "Alki pipeline". 63rd and Beach Drive SW. I think LCF is coming too. Max depth is ~35ft. Average maybe 15-20ft. Your gas should last plenty long. :)
Even if LCF isn't able to make it, this is a great opportunity for ANYBODY looking to dive with a group of great divers. Just be warned... you might learn something!! \:D/
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Re: You may want to re-think your offer...

Post by Sounder »

airsix wrote:Being a new diver on an "underwater fun-run" is like trying to take piano lessons on horseback. It's much easier if you can spend some time just being in one place and sorting things out. : )
Ben's whole post is great advice (for ANY new diver), but I especially enjoy the above line. =D>
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