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My DATC Dive Reports

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 7:29 pm
by Kalatin
Thanks to a lot of help from folks on this board, I am happy to report five great dives at Redondo between Friday and Sunday (plus a quick note on a sixth dive). I am sorry for the sheer length of this post, but I am excited, happy, and giddy all at once and I just have to share. BIG improvements since my last posting about last Wednesday's dive, which was, I have been reassured by multiple people, a completely normal experience for a new diver. (I will continue to self-flagellate, however, as I have always been my own worst critic.)

The first dive Friday night was with two divers, one who is a new DM and another new diver. I will say nothing more than I am sorry for the folks who dove after us. The three of us left HUGE clouds of silt for you. Looking back, this is how I do not want to dive in the future.

The next dive was a night dive with NWBoiler. My dive log reads something along the lines of "FUN!!!". Diving my rental AL80, my buoyancy was pretty much under control. There was a hermit crab convention going on by one of the reflector piles, plus lots of C-O sole, a grunt sculpin, a ratfish, and assorted other critters. To be honest, I had no idea what I was seeing until after the dive, when NWBoiler was kind enough to take me over to the public aquarium and give me a Puget Sound fish and invertebrate primer (and direct me to a Fish ID class). Also, we played for a bit with the bioluminescence, which is still one of the coolest things I have ever seen. Due to my air management "issues", we made an unscheduled mid-water ascent. NWBoiler can probably tell you exactly how big my eyes got before I figured out what was happening. :smt119 I did get freaked out by not having a visual reference point, but NWBoiler had a firm grip on me so all was well. After the ascent, we had a lovely surface swim under the big dipper back to shore and I fell asleep that night with a big smile on my face. This was the first dive where I felt comfortable in the water. I think that that comfort was a direct result of being with an experienced buddy with solid skills (a first for me).

Saturday morning it was my first meeting with Sounder and Tom Nic. Sounder loaned me his 130 and his light and we hopped in the water. I would tell you about all of the cool things we saw on this dive, but frankly, I am having a hard time remembering. Here is what I remember. One of the goals of the dive was to see how me and my gear reacted underwater when I stopped moving and just stayed still. As it turns out, I turn over on my back, flop my tank into the silt, and my fins rotate over my head until I was in some odd form of an underwater headstand. It is important to note that I dive wet, so my feet heading for the surface it not something I had anticipated. After several underwater gear adjustments, things were a bit more under control, but Sounder still had to flip me over on several occasions. Eventually, I just had to laugh as I felt myself listing to the right, because I knew what position I was going to end up in. (with the Olympics coming up, for a few seconds I pictured myself as a gymnast doing some form of odd back twisting somersault). Sounder and I then did some OOG drills, which I had not done since OW back in 2003. I learned the glory of the extended hose on the regulator. I am a fan. After I almost took out the CCTV line (sorry about that), we surfaced. It probably doesn't sound like a great dive to most of you, but it was so much fun that I still have to laugh thinking about it. This was also my longest dive (64 minutes), so I was pretty chilly by the time we surfaced. Sounder had hot water waiting, so things warmed up in a hurry.

For the second dive, I adjusted some weight (with some expert help) and things went a bit smoother. My feet were still pretty much out of control, but I had quizzed folks on what to do when your feet want to head to the surface, so I had a better idea of how to react. I only counted three times that Sounder had to flip me over after I did my turtle impersonation. I actually remember some of the things we saw on this dive!

Tom has posted some of his beautiful pictures of the two dives, which let's me put names to faces, as it were. I got my first good look at a Grunt Sculpin (a juvenile and an adult), saw a big octo all curled up, and a Red Octopus that got very annoyed at our presence after a few minutes. For a few moments, I just hovered (okay, splashed around in an effort to stay stationary) and stared at the little tiny critters that seemed to be everywhere. (As a side note, the Alabaster Nudibranch is one of the most beautiful things I have seen). When the three of us were gathered around the Red Octopus, I went upside down (and not on purpose), but it was okay. I couldn't manage to control my feet, but I was watching an octopus meander along, so it didn't really matter right then.

After the dive, I stole Sounder's light. [-X

Today was two dives with Penopolypants (Sheri, Penopolypants and I did the first dive as a threesome), which were equally fantastic. My feet still have a tendency to head straight up, but I only caught Penopolypants giggling at me one time. I used an AL80 for the first dive and Penopolypants' LP95 for the second and avoided the dreaded turtle flop. We saw another beautiful octo out on the open (Penopolypants and Sheri saw it long before I did and I could not figure out why Penopolypants was not very interested in my remaining psi right then). Once again, I got to observe the octo from a vertical position, which is rapidly becoming my favorite octo viewing position. Also on the critter tour - Buffalo Sculpin, two Grunt Sculpins, Mosshead Warbonnets, a Cockerell's Dorid, and a ton of other things that I cannot yet identify. The big news, as I have been reliably informed, was that we saw two Lumpsuckers. Penopolypants has laser vision to spot these cute little guys!

Lessons learned:
1. My reg works while on I am on my back staring straight up, while I am upside down, and while I am trying frantically to turn in a different direction. Good to know.
2. I really need to work on turning without looking like I am having a seizure.
3. Whether it is dive 300 (Tom Nic) or dive 20 (me), Octopus are really, really cool.
4. Sounder expects his gear back.
5. There may be hope for me yet.

Lessons learned by NWBoiler, Tom Nic, Sounder, and Penelopypants
1. When you tell me to stay close to you, I will be CLOSE. When I say "suction cup", I mean it!

Thanks to all of my dive buddies from this weekend. I owe you all beer, fills on the tanks you let me borrow, and more thanks. When are we going diving again?? :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Re: My DATC Dive Reports

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 8:02 pm
by Sounder
Note: I believe it was nwbobber, not nwbrewer (Jake), that you were diving with.

It WAS fun!! It's so cool to be in the water with new people who have a thirst for learning and who don't take hiccups too seriously, but try to learn from them at the same time. We had a blast.

The "turtling" was most likely do to your weighting being set up for an AL80 instead of a big, heavy, steel tank like the 130 you were diving. That can be fixed, and will be next time... I have a weight belt for you. The feet-up was interesting, but not unheard of. Again, just weighting and trim stuff - easy breezy.

One of my favorite expressions comes into it - "like a fat kid on a cupcake." That ALMOST describes it :smt064 - you showed great buddy awareness which I consider a critical skill. We stayed where we could easily reach the other one throughout both dives. Great job!

Tom hit the big #300 - that rocks!! Congrats bud!! :supz: He also took more fantastic pictures, as usual.

DATC was happening in all it's glory. I've never seen the parking lot so full. Folks had heavy eye lids and excited spirits. I learned the way to Valerie and Georgia hearts is to have hot Starbucks vanilla lattes waiting for them as they exit the water.

The OOG practice was fun. You did great, and I'm looking forward to seeing the video Tom took of it - hopefully we'll have that up soon.

I had a great day and am excited to have found a new dive buddy who's as excited about diving as I am!! :partyman:

Re: My DATC Dive Reports

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 8:12 pm
by Dusty2
Good show! and nice wright up. Sounds to me like you are a good candidate for ankle weights. My Dad had the same problem. I don' want to think how many times I had to pull his feet back down to get him back under control. Sounds like you had good help and I'm sure they will all volunteer to help again. That is if you return Sounders gear! \:D/ LOL

Just keep at it and it will get easer. Stopping and maintaining position underwater are probably the toughest things to learn for a new diver. They both require control that it will take a while to master and these are skills you need to practice allot. I have been with several divers that seemed fine till we stopped to look at something and then they were headed for the surface. At least you didn't breach like a whale form 30 feet. That's a pretty good start.

I'm looking forward to diving with you as soon as my suit come back from the factory.

Re: My DATC Dive Reports

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 8:22 pm
by Tom Nic
Kate it was a pleasure diving with you! I wish I had half the comfortableness (word?) in the water that you have at 20 dives! Your enthusiasm is contagious, and I love the grin plastered on your face. "I'm breathing underwater! How cool is that!?" \:D/ The gear / weighting / trim issues will be sorted out in no time, and in the meanwhile it will be fun!

I'm usually diving Thursday and Friday, so shoot me a note if you're short on dive buddies. I'll dive with you anytime!

Congratulations on dive #20! :supz:

Although, if you DID see a Lumpsucker, that's just no fair. :axe:

Although, I suppose with your enthusiasm you probably deserve it more than a few of the folks I know!

Re: My DATC Dive Reports

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 9:13 pm
by LCF
Oh, it sounds like you had great fun, and I'm so sorry I was working all weekend.

I will warn you, though, that diving with a canister light owner is one of the most expensive dives you will ever do. Mine was with Bob Bailey, after which I bought my FIRST canister light (I now own three). Once you have gotten used to the illumination and communication capabilities of these lights, nothing else will do.

Reading your posts, I still say you and I need to hook up for some dives. We have an eerily similar sense of humor, and it sounds as though you're going through a very similar diving evolution to mine :)

Re: My DATC Dive Reports

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 9:28 pm
by Sounder
LCF wrote:Reading your posts, I still say you and I need to hook up for some dives. We have an eerily similar sense of humor, and it sounds as though you're going through a very similar diving evolution to mine :)
You two will get along beautifully.

Re: My DATC Dive Reports

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 9:47 pm
by Kalatin
LCF, I can't wait to dive with you. I read your journal about your OW course and it made me laugh out loud. I get the feeling you have a sense of humor like mine - either people find you funny or they look at you as if you are just a little bit slow.

I am actively scanning my calendar for days that I can shuffle around to get a weekday off so we can get together. If we tell people that doctors and lawyers are getting together on a weekday to go diving, there may be a rush to take the MCAT and LSAT.


Re: My DATC Dive Reports

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 10:14 pm
by Sheri
Heya Kate... Thanks so much for letting me tag along this morning. This sport just keeps getting better and better! Not only for the way our skills are developing with every dive, but also for the great new people we can share critter sightings and laughs with on the surface interval. (I mean jeez.. hasn't EVERYONE already seen 7 or 8 Lumpsuckers the past few weeks? Must be Penopolypants' animal magnatism..) \:D/

I'd love to hook up with you again. (Fridays are starting to look promising, if they keep me on 10-hour shifts). Thanks again for a great morning - both of you.
- sheri

Re: My DATC Dive Reports

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 10:47 pm
by Penopolypants
Sounder wrote:
LCF wrote:Reading your posts, I still say you and I need to hook up for some dives. We have an eerily similar sense of humor, and it sounds as though you're going through a very similar diving evolution to mine :)
You two will get along beautifully.
I completely agree.

After Kate's report on her earlier dives, I was expecting a rototilling, arm-waving, turtle-turning disaster. I was pleasantly surprised to find that she was not that way at all! Yes, she was bouncing around a bit, and the feet-up thing was quite hilarious (for me at least), but she's either come a long way in a few days or she's really hard on herself. She's far better at 20 dives than I was. And as far as the feet up thing is concerned, well, that's my favorite photography position so I really can't criticize. :)

And she's great company above water, and her dog Skipper was a joy to hang out with.

Kate and Sheri, thank you both for the excellent dives today.

Everyone else, go dive with both of them!

And yes, Tom, we did see lumpsuckers today. Several. Sheri and Kate have no idea how lucky they are.

One of the multitude of lumpsuckers (yay!):
The octo, out in the open:
The gunnel that I thought was a gunnel is actually a slender cockscomb (I think):
slender cockscomb.jpg
The rest of the pics are here:

Re: My DATC Dive Reports

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 5:49 am
by Nwbrewer
Sounder wrote:Note: I believe it was nwbobber, not nwbrewer (Jake), that you were diving with.
NWBoiler is a member also Doug. I did not make it out to DATC this year, perhaps next year. :salute:

Re: My DATC Dive Reports

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 9:04 am
by Sounder
Tom Nic's video of Kate's first OOG practice since 2003, and her first experience with a long hose...

Re: My DATC Dive Reports

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 9:26 am
by Nwbrewer
Sounder wrote:Tom Nic's video of Kate's first OOG practice since 2003, and her first experience with a long hose...
Kalatin you look slightly confused by Sounders congratulations in the video. You did very well for your first long hose airshare. Doug probably covered this post dive, but make sure to hold onto the long hose a few inches from the reg with your right hand, in the event you start to drift apart it's best to be holding on so as not to have the reg ripped out of your mouth. If you're holding the reg body you might accidentaly purge it. My first airshare with a long hose convinced me, been diving that way for about a year and a half now, can't see going back.

Again nicely done.

Re: My DATC Dive Reports

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 9:55 am
by Sounder
Nwbrewer wrote:
Sounder wrote:Tom Nic's video of Kate's first OOG practice since 2003, and her first experience with a long hose...
Kalatin you look slightly confused by Sounders congratulations in the video. You did very well for your first long hose airshare. Doug probably covered this post dive, but make sure to hold onto the long hose a few inches from the reg with your right hand, in the event you start to drift apart it's best to be holding on so as not to have the reg ripped out of your mouth. If you're holding the reg body you might accidentaly purge it. My first airshare with a long hose convinced me, been diving that way for about a year and a half now, can't see going back.

Again nicely done.
Yup - went over that at the truck. She did well. I told her this was her only kneeling air-share... next time we'll both be hovering.

The next video Tom is putting up is where she donated to me. She really saw the difference with the longer hose as when I slightly backed away, her octopus *accidently* was pulled out of my mouth (demonstration). I'm sure Tom will have that one up soon.

Re: My DATC Dive Reports

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:07 am
by Tom Nic
Penopolypants wrote:And yes, Tom, we did see lumpsuckers today. Several. Sheri and Kate have no idea how lucky they are.
Congrats to all on the Lumpsucker sightings. The last couple of dives I was ready to go Lumpsucker hunting and the dives got changed for one reason or another. Rumor is that they've been found deep (80fw or so) and to the South of the Carousel boat?

Re: My DATC Dive Reports

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:27 am
by Penopolypants
Tom Nic wrote:
Penopolypants wrote:And yes, Tom, we did see lumpsuckers today. Several. Sheri and Kate have no idea how lucky they are.
Congrats to all on the Lumpsucker sightings. The last couple of dives I was ready to go Lumpsucker hunting and the dives got changed for one reason or another. Rumor is that they've been found deep (80fw or so) and to the South of the Carousel boat?

Thanks! It's been fun! I've seen many in the bottle field south of the carousel boat, but the ones we saw on this dive were primarily to the right or left of the rope to the boat, above 60 fsw, hanging out on the kelp. One was near the big pipe. I saw one several weeks ago on our safety stop under the pier, too, at 15 fsw. I haven't seen any by the rope running to the bug.

All of the ones I've seen were the same champagne/orange-ish color. There was a range of sizes yesterday too, the tiniest being about the size of my pinky fingernail and the largest being about the size fo my thumbnail.

Re: My DATC Dive Reports

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 2:55 pm
by Tom Nic
Here's the first video - a bit longer, but posted as per your request!

Re: My DATC Dive Reports

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 3:09 pm
by cardiver
Penopolypants wrote:The rest of the pics are here:
And here's the proof of Penopolypants favorite position.....


Re: My DATC Dive Reports

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 3:18 pm
by Sounder
cardiver wrote:And here's the proof of Penopolypants favorite position.....
If you value your junk, just don't go anywhere near it. [-X

(Ron, do you realize what you may have just started? #-o )

Re: My DATC Dive Reports

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 3:19 pm
by Sounder
cardiver wrote:And here's the proof of Penopolypants favorite position.....
:evil4: :evil4: :evil4:

Re: My DATC Dive Reports

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 3:23 pm
by cardiver
I don't know what you're talking about, Doug..... :dontknow: :smt051

Re: My DATC Dive Reports

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 3:38 pm
by Tom Nic
Sounder wrote:(Ron, do you realize what you may have just started? #-o )
RON started?!? Ah, look in the mirror my friend... :smt051

Re: My DATC Dive Reports

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 4:01 pm
by Sounder
Tom Nic wrote:
Sounder wrote:(Ron, do you realize what you may have just started? #-o )
RON started?!? Ah, look in the mirror my friend... :smt051
ME?! Couldn't have been me. [-X :smt051

Re: My DATC Dive Reports

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 4:02 pm
by cardiver
Thanks, Tom! Doug.....You sure are a trouble maker! :occasion5:

Re: My DATC Dive Reports

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 4:12 pm
by Sounder
cardiver wrote:Thanks, Tom! Doug.....You sure are a trouble maker! :occasion5:
Nope, not me! :dontknow:

Re: My DATC Dive Reports

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 4:17 pm
by Pez7378
I have to admit, I'm proud to say that I reluctantly walked away from that one............She did say her favorit picture taking position!