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What is the purpose of this forum?

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 6:10 am
by dsteding
This sub-forum is a place to discuss the team-oriented approach now being referred to “Unified Team Diving” (“UTD”), also known as “DIR” diving. In a nutshell, this form of diving involves working as a team, and has three basic components, a common equipment configuration, standardized training and procedures, and a mindset that is team-oriented.

Feel free to opt in and post here, even if you don’t dive this way. We would like to avoid arguments about the merits of this diving style that have plagued the internet in the past. We would also like to avoid the evangelizing and preaching that have plagued some internet UTD/DIR divers in the past as well. That’s about it for the rules in this forum.
Our purpose is to be inclusive and open, and to abide by Calvin’s twin principles:

1) Don’t be a dick.
2) Have fun.

-The Moderators