Great Boat Dives today!

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Six Gill
Just Settling In
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Great Boat Dives today!

Post by Six Gill »

Jumped on the SanPan today to do a three tanker. Ultimate goal, to try out my new camera before the Galapagos trip in 2 weeks. Dive sites, Dalco, Sunrise and the Barges.

First dive Dalco - left the camera on board since didn't want to get overly distracted with the new camera at depth. So, OF COURSE, I see 2 wolf eels, a GPO, numerous cool sponges, etc and the ELUSIVE RED BROTULA!!!! This is, of course, since I had no camera. Little red guy was in the same den as the big male wolfie, about 87 feet today. Last brotula I saw was at KVI over 2 years ago and I got a somewhat sketchy picture.

Second dive - Sunrise - took the camera, absolutely no current, 2 wolf eels, 3 GPO's, heart crabs, and tons of other scuplins, etc. After about 40 minutes, decided to go up and shut the camera off. Seconds later a 2-3 foot dog fish swims by me. I follow while turning camera on but, OF COURSE, did not get the shot off. RATS! Lots of rat fish and feeder fish there, half way expected the dog fish.

Third dive - Barges on Maury Island - Went to the rock piles - great place to practice with the camera. Tons of life and a very cool buried anenome. Spent the second half of the dive on the dolphins taking pics of Northern Feather Duster Tube Worms, giant barnacles, etc.

Recap, the diving was great, the GPO's are back and remember, ALWAYS take your camera!!! Hard to convince people you see something you don't have on film!

So, get on out there and have some fun at these sites! And bring that camera!
Zen Diver v1
Posts: 172
Joined: Tue Jun 20, 2006 7:22 pm

Post by Zen Diver v1 »

Sounds like awesome dives Sonya. Bob B, Jackie and I went to Les Davis (love those new stairs!) today and while I saw 5 wolfeels there on Saturday we were completely skunked today ](*,) Still nice dives tho; we were there early and got good parking and had the place pretty much to ourselves to start.

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