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Edmonds UWP...sunday in the snow

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 1:45 pm
by sunnydude
Just got back from a great dive at the UWP. Mattleycrue76(Matt) and I were the only two divers there. Entered north of the Jetty and swam out to the line north of Jetty Way. Nice 49 minute dive. Saw my first (that I recognized) Nudibranch and swimming duck. Great dive though. Thanks Matt for braving the roads to join me. It was worth it for me to make the trip down twice (first time almost there and forgot regulator at home!).

Re: Edmonds UWP...sunday in the snow

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 5:03 pm
by Mattleycrue76
Yeah I agree, great dive. The best part was as we were standing there with our gear on getting ready and some dude walks up and asks us "are you guys going in the water?" Also for me this was the first time I've seen birds underwater. Pretty cool. As for sunnydude, my hat goes off to you for making this dive in a wet suit. You are a braver man than I