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Elements of Recreational Diving Review

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 4:43 pm
by Stu
Wow. I was really impressed with this class. It was billed as the Intro to Tech/Elements of Better Recreational Diving class offered by Scott Christopher. I don't have too much interest in technical diving at this time but was amazed as to how much I need to work on as a recreational diver (despite my previous training). This class has me stoked to try to improve my skills. I am a fairly new diver to the PNW and this class was great. It taught me much about diving but more so about myself as a diver.

We had two ~3 hour class room sessions, which covered gas planning, gear configuration (long hose, BP&W, etc), decompression models, awareness, the team diving concept, etc. and a weekend of skills dives. I really enjoyed going over our gear and analyzing it and discussing the pros and cons. The skills dives were all filmed which gave us the chance to go back and watch the mayhem of our fining skills (or lack thereof), OOA drills, bag shoots, and basic 5 (que the Benny Hill or Three Stooges soundtrack). Though that's not really fair as some of us were better than others (I was definitely not the 'better one'). But anyway, there were only three of us in the class which allowed for great focused instruction. The last dive was just basically up to us. Scott filmed us and we completed the dive plan and discussed MGR, Time, Depth, and so on.

Thanks needs to be given to Scott for his patience and the videographers who were fortunate enough to watch what to them must have been hilarious. I unfortunately was getting horrendous calf cramps starting on the first dive which continued through the weekend, so I was only able to completely engage myself in a few of the dives. Needless to say despite my moments of health and mediocrity, I ate my fair share of humble pie.

Overall, I'd recommend this class to any recreational diver that's interested in improving their proficiency.

Re: Elements of Recreational Diving Review

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 7:50 pm
by Sounder
Some of the best dive training available doesn't come with a c-card.

Scott is a most excellent instructor. I recently completed some technical training with him and was thoroughly impressed, humbled, and rewarded... and I came out the other end a much better diver. Scott is one of two (BDub being the other one) technical and recreational intro/elements instructors I refer people to. The term "top-shelf" comes to mind when thinking of these two guys.

I'm so glad to hear your experience was so positive, and anyone who's been through a DIRF/Intro/Elements class knows the humble feeling you've got. These classes raise your personal bar - if you think you're a great diver, try one of these classes. They'll show you where you're at, and they'll make you stronger. There are TONS of divers, dive shop owners, and recreational instructors who would find these classes incredibly challenging and rewarding.

Congrats on the training - you got more than your money's worth, even without a c-card. Sure, you got an OW card, maybe a specialty card or ten, but I think you'll find this class will change the way you dive and approach diving. Ultimately, as you polish your new-found skills (and new-found goals of what to work on), you'll find that you will begin to enjoy your dives even more as you're able to relax and be under greater control.

Re: Elements of Recreational Diving Review

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 9:04 pm
by LCF
Great report, Stu!

What you don't know yet is how you haven't seen the vast majority of the benefits the class will have for you. As you continue to dive and work on the skills you saw in Scott's class, your diving will get easier, less stressful, and way more fun. As you can more precisely control your position in the water, and moving back and forth through a site without disturbing the visibility, you'll find you're enjoying your dives more and more.

I think it took more than a year from my Fundies (similar) class before I saw the full reward of having taken it.

If you ever want for a dive buddy, give a holler -- there are lots of us who are delighted to go out with somebody who is working on his skills.

Re: Elements of Recreational Diving Review

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 10:26 pm
by renoun
I am not a merit badge collector but I value good training. I took a craptastic OW class almost ten years ago and didn't dive much till Jan. 2008. I have about thirty dives since last August and am finally feeling like I am starting to get proficient. Unfortunately this plateau of skills is the type of thing that can lead to complacency. I have been taking on new challenges like launching a SMB on my own but think I am ready for some more training. I don't see myself heading down the Tech. diving road.

Conventional wisdom would be to take an AOW class but I don't want to just buy an other C Card. I want to think about doing some deeper dives within Rec. limits, legitimately diving nitrox (or getting my own fills), and even better bouncy/finning. I would love to feel comfortable diving a drysuit but I have been happy diving wet again for the last month.

Had the timing of Scott's class worked out I may have taken it, I enjoyed the way he taught Gas Management. I know that Bob is backing off teaching for a while, I had been thinking about getting more training from him. Where should I go from here?

Re: Elements of Recreational Diving Review

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 6:19 am
by Nwbrewer
renoun wrote:I am not a merit badge collector but I value good training. I took a craptastic OW class almost ten years ago and didn't dive much till Jan. 2008. I have about thirty dives since last August and am finally feeling like I am starting to get proficient. Unfortunately this plateau of skills is the type of thing that can lead to complacency. I have been taking on new challenges like launching a SMB on my own but think I am ready for some more training. I don't see myself heading down the Tech. diving road.

Conventional wisdom would be to take an AOW class but I don't want to just buy an other C Card. I want to think about doing some deeper dives within Rec. limits, legitimately diving nitrox (or getting my own fills), and even better bouncy/finning. I would love to feel comfortable diving a drysuit but I have been happy diving wet again for the last month.

Had the timing of Scott's class worked out I may have taken it, I enjoyed the way he taught Gas Management. I know that Bob is backing off teaching for a while, I had been thinking about getting more training from him. Where should I go from here?
From what you describe you may consider UTD Essentials, or UTD Rec2 (AOW + Nitrox) from Bdub and Edge.

I did AOW with Bdub 2.5 years ago, and I'm really glad I did. Most definitely not about collecting a card. I'm doing UTD Rec 3 right now, (Recreational He) and so far it's been an excellent course. It's not so much about skills, and what to do when, (if A happens do B, if C happens do D) but about THINKING while your diving.

Good luck.


Re: Elements of Recreational Diving Review

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 9:02 am
by Sounder
Renoun - given your situation and goals, I completely agree with Jake. I actually think you're in a really great position to get the best of both instructors.

With 30 dives, and with the goals you mentioned, I'd definitely steer you toward Rec2 with Brian (BDub) and Jeanna. You'll get some deeper stuff, gas management, and nitrox. You'll also get a strong foundation in skills which will set you up to know what to practice and polish. Rec2 will challenge you and make you a stronger, safer diver.

Then, once you've got abotu 30-40 more dives after Rec2, I'd highly recommend you do Essentials/Intro with Scott (vbcoachchris). This class will take what you've been working on since Rec2 and will elevate it to a whole different level.

The best part about doing it this way is that you'll get to train with both rockstar instructors. You'll find many common themes they both share, but you'll also find and benefit from their individual styles too.

I'd really consider training with them both like this. Combined with your personal desire and commitment to learn and improve, this is a recipe for success. As Lynne mentioned, as your skills improve, you will find you're enjoying your dives WAY more than you even are now. Confidence and control allows you to relax and enjoy the dive so much more.

Oh yeah - Brian, Jeanna, and Scott are all pretty kick-ass fun people too.

Re: Elements of Recreational Diving Review

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 10:38 am
by CaptnJack
renoun wrote:Where should I go from here?
If you want to go for a moderate depth dive at Alki next week after work we could talk then. Absent meeting + diving with you I don't know what to suggest. I am not an instructor, just a referral agency :geek:

Re: Elements of Recreational Diving Review

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 11:10 am
by Mattleycrue76
I don't need any more instruction

I am perfect.

If anyone would like to join me I will be leading a bounce dive on Al80s to the Al-Indeskasea next Tuesday. We will be diving off my 10ft Livingston which we will anchor first so we can leave it unattended. To the less experienced diver this may seem like a risky plan but I assure you we will be prepared for eventualities with not one but two spare airs. Don't listen to all the people trying to sell you more stuff and training I mean what could possibly go wrong?

BTW if you can't make it to the dive the wake is scheduled to be held at Evergreen Funeral Home and Cemetary on Wednesday.

Re: Elements of Recreational Diving Review

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 11:58 am
by sunnydude
Mattleycrue76 wrote:I don't need any more instruction

I am perfect.

If anyone would like to join me I will be leading a bounce dive on Al80s to the Al-Indeskasea next Tuesday. We will be diving off my 10ft Livingston which we will anchor first so we can leave it unattended. To the less experienced diver this may seem like a risky plan but I assure you we will be prepared for eventualities with not one but two spare airs. Don't listen to all the people trying to sell you more stuff and training I mean what could possibly go wrong?

BTW if you can't make it to the dive the wake is scheduled to be held at Evergreen Funeral Home and Cemetary on Wednesday.
:laughing3: Nice Matt.

Re: Elements of Recreational Diving Review

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 1:04 am
by Stu
sunnydude wrote:
Mattleycrue76 wrote:I don't need any more instruction

I am perfect.

If anyone would like to join me I will be leading a bounce dive on Al80s to the Al-Indeskasea next Tuesday. We will be diving off my 10ft Livingston which we will anchor first so we can leave it unattended. To the less experienced diver this may seem like a risky plan but I assure you we will be prepared for eventualities with not one but two spare airs. Don't listen to all the people trying to sell you more stuff and training I mean what could possibly go wrong?

BTW if you can't make it to the dive the wake is scheduled to be held at Evergreen Funeral Home and Cemetary on Wednesday.
:laughing3: Nice Matt.
No, not really nice...more of a waste of space

Re: Elements of Recreational Diving Review

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 6:42 am
by LCF
Stu, you'll have to get used to this crazy board. Once people feel as though the original question has been answered (and sometimes before that) they start hijacking the threads, with all kinds of jokes, weird segues, and obscure references to TV shows you never watched. It's just how it is here. Sometimes it's pretty funny.

Re: Elements of Recreational Diving Review

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 6:44 am
by spatman
LCF wrote:Stu, you'll have to get used to this crazy board. Once people feel as though the original question has been answered (and sometimes before that) they start hijacking the threads, with all kinds of jokes, weird segues, and obscure references to TV shows you never watched. It's just how it is here. Sometimes it's pretty funny.
don't forget beer and tacos, either.

Re: Elements of Recreational Diving Review

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 8:48 am
by Kirby
sunnydude wrote:
Mattleycrue76 wrote:I don't need any more instruction

I am perfect.

If anyone would like to join me I will be leading a bounce dive on Al80s to the Al-Indeskasea next Tuesday. We will be diving off my 10ft Livingston which we will anchor first so we can leave it unattended. To the less experienced diver this may seem like a risky plan but I assure you we will be prepared for eventualities with not one but two spare airs. Don't listen to all the people trying to sell you more stuff and training I mean what could possibly go wrong?

BTW if you can't make it to the dive the wake is scheduled to be held at Evergreen Funeral Home and Cemetary on Wednesday.
:laughing3: Nice Matt.
Actually that sounds like a ton of fun. Count me in. I have done stupider things and lived. Only change to the plan, I will be slinging 4 80's, two for me and two for you, and we can use the spare airs for back gas. :partydance:
