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Old (as in age, not old crabby) diver questions

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 10:22 am
by oregondiver
The bad news: My dad passed away on SUnday.

The good news: My mother promised not to follow him. But she only agreed to 30 more years, so I have made it my life mission to make them 30 entertaining years!

When going through her memory box on Monday, I found her original YMCA scuba diving cert card and her original NAUI scuba diving card from 1966! Sooooo....I wanted to know feedback from either older divers or instructors who have had older students.

She WILL be doing a refresher/new course before diving again, that is not in debate. And it may take her a year to get around to it. SHe has a bad knee/balance, so I would need to help her carry stuff to the water. And arthritis in her fingers. Oh yea, high cholesterol...but that is about it. She is 61, comfortably padded so getting cold easily won't be a problem for her.

Any divers in their 60's have concerns about restarting diving that late? Any instructors who know of specific challenges in helping an older diver get started?

Thanks. Just trying to work on things to keep her active and lovin life!

Re: Old (as in age, not old crabby) diver questions

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 10:29 am
by scottsax

My deepest condolences for your loss....

What a GREAT idea! I've always thought that my mom would enjoy diving (maybe not in the Sound, but someplace tropical, probably...) She's a little older than your mom, and probably has more severe arthritis, but overall, she's pretty healthy.

I'm very interested in the responses, too....

Re: Old (as in age, not old crabby) diver questions

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 10:39 am
by dwashbur
Talk to Dusty2. He dives with his 80+ year old dad, who is one of the most enthusiastic divers I've ever seen. Some help with the gear is all that's needed. Aside from that, age has nothing to do with it. If your mom has questions, these two can probably answer them and give her the little nudge that she needs.

Sorry to hear about your dad.

Re: Old (as in age, not old crabby) diver questions

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 10:50 am
by Dmitchell
Sorry to hear about your dad.

61 is not old! I'm only 38 but most of my friends and many of my dive buddies are mid-fifties.

See how she does in the pool and take it from there. Cold water may or may not be her thing but there's always the Caribbean (oh darn!)

Take it slow an make it fun!

Re: Old (as in age, not old crabby) diver questions

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 12:42 pm
by Mattleycrue76
My dad just turned 60 this year and just got certified last year. At 61 age should not be a problem at all. As far as health issues go you may want to have her get a medical assessment.

I think John Rawlings has socks older than your mom :rawlings: (and he's probably wearing them) :smt064

Re: Old (as in age, not old crabby) diver questions

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 4:01 pm
by Dusty2
Speaking of Dusty2... Oh wait a minute I am dusty2... Oh darn my age is showing :angry: :angry:

Seriously I am 65 and dad is 81 and we got our certs together! in 2003. I average over 100 dives a year and Dad does probably half that many. Old is a state of mind. If you think you can then you probably can! Maybe not as good as you did when you were 30 but....

If she is up for it and the doctor sez go for it then enjoy! I'm sure any one of the instructors on the board would be willing to work with her. I would suggest having her head back to the Y and do some swimming to get her ready for it.

I would say careful what you wish for though. Diving with a parent can be a blessing but it is also a big responsibility.

Re: Old (as in age, not old crabby) diver questions

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 5:32 pm
by ArcticDiver
Know several divers who started in their 60s. None have had any problem diving. All, however, take care to keep themselves in good physical and emotional shape. Many have had to take some guff from younger folks who don't thing Olders should be diving, or doing much of anything else for that matter. But that comes with the age bias that is rampant in our society. Don't think restarting would be any different.

Lots of divers of all ages have special needs of one kind or another, backs, knees, slow equalizing, etc. IF she had something she would just join the others.

ONE CAVEAT: Make sure she wants to dive; not you thinking it would be nice for her to start again. If she does it it should be for her and not for anyone else.

Re: Old (as in age, not old crabby) diver questions

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 6:03 pm
by loanwolf
Diving is a great activity for all ages especially for the older. My grandfather dove into his late 70's. It is a good source of exercise that has little impact on the body. I know it helps my arthritis that I have from past injuries. You should get her swimming as soon as possible to get her physical activity level up. If you do not do that she will probably not enjoy it too much. Good luck with it and I hope you get her in the water.

Re: Old (as in age, not old crabby) diver questions

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 7:28 pm
by Zen Diver
I would also HIGHLY recommend that if she has not been diving since 1966 that she do a complete OW course again, not just a refresher. A LOT has changed since then.

And good for her!


Re: Old (as in age, not old crabby) diver questions

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 11:08 pm
by Penopolypants
I'm so very sorry for you loss, but I hope that this ultimately brings more joy to your relationship with your mom. Yay diving!

Re: Old (as in age, not old crabby) diver questions

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 5:39 am
by nwbobber
Sorry to hear of your Dad's passing Shell. I agree that a full OW course would be better. My original cert was in 1971, and I took 30 yrs off. Almost everything has changed some, and some of what we learned back then is now thought of as wrong. I think this is a great idea if your Mom wants to do it. I'm 52, and I'd like to think I'm going to get to continue diving far beyond 61.
You rock as a daughter!

Re: Old (as in age, not old crabby) diver questions

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 9:50 am
by Kimo
Age should not be a problem. I started diving in Navy 1964 and quit in the 70's. After being retired for a couple of years I decided (with wife's urging) to start again. I did OW certification again and found out a lot of new things and discovered what I did know was past history. I had a knee replacement for my 65th birthday and returned to diving a month later. I do use more air than I used to but larger tanks can compensate for that.
As a side note my wife was going to get certified when I did. Doctor would not sign her medical release (high BP) until she had a colonoscopy (bribery). Found she had colon cancer but was early enough that could be removed and she is fine, cancer free now and has OW certification. She will only dive warm water. SO, we are forced to go some place warm to dive a couple of times a year.

Re: Old (as in age, not old crabby) diver questions

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 4:18 pm
by ArcticDiver
Kimo wrote:... SO, we are forced to go some place warm to dive a couple of times a year.
Forced to go to warm water, eh?

Re: Old (as in age, not old crabby) diver questions

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 9:28 am
by kenpodan
No reason an older diver can't enjoy it just as much as a young diver! You might want to have your mom check out a Scuba Caddy (full disclosure here, I make 'em), it would really help her transport gear to and from the dive site, and she'd never have to deal with the problems of lifting weights and tanks or carrying that weight on her back.
check it out -