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Introductions Please

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 3:30 pm
by Tangfish
I've noticed that we've had a handful of new registrations over the past week or so and I thought it would be in order for us to introduce ourselves to our new friends, and vice versa. :occasion5:

I'll start: I'm Calvin and I put this little board together, though I didn't start the dive club itself exactly. We had a dive club a ways back and some of our members left to get married or just don't have the time to come out diving anymore, so I registered a new name and started this board with the hopes of reconstructing our little dive club. So far it's been going great and I've met quite a few new friends here (with the notable exception of Sparky, whom I have yet to meet in person :bounce:).

I've been diving for about 5 years. I have my Rescue Diver cert along with a few specialties. I originally started diving as an assignment by a travel magazine I used to write for. I immediately fell in love with diving and they ended up sending me all over the world, diving and writing about some terrific reefs.

Last year I started a news media company called Newsvine, and I haven't had the chance to travel much anymore as a result. So, I've set out to be a cold water diver from this point on while my travel wings are clipped.

I also write a blog about SCUBA equipment and travel. You can find out more about me there if you want to click over. I've also got a gallery of photos I shoot both on land and underwater. :salute:

Well, that's about it for me.

To you new members: welcome to our dive club. We're divers with varying levels of experience but we all like to hang out with easygoing people who have a passion for diving and like to hook up for local dives. There are no club dues and mostly we just get benefits since there are a couple of us who work for local dive shops (I'm not one of them). I'll be printing up some t-shirts and stickers soon with our snazzy new logo so we can help to spread the word. Typically, we dive Wednesday evenings at Cove 2 and Saturday and Sundays at different locations. Dave, the moderator of this board, is usually pretty good at putting together the plans for the weekend dives.

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 5:34 pm
by sparky
Greatings new guys/ Gals:

I am that guy Sparky you have heard so much tell about .
I live in Warrenton Or. just south of Astoria OR.

I have my open water Cert but I have loged just about 130 dives in the last 3 years . I live for diving although you could not tell it right at the moment Im in the middle of a some home repaires ( need I say more ?) and over time up to my ears at work which is driving a Mixer truck or one of our dump trucks and Pup trailer if om not working in the shop fixing the afore metioned trucks.

I have yet to be lucky enough to meet any of the gang here at NW Dive Club but I am so looking forword to meeting each one and diving with every one at least once.

I belive what draws us together here at NW Dive Club is mostly we all think a like , basic rule here seems to be if you dive you must be our kind of people so welcome and lets go diving


Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 6:23 pm
by DiverDown
Hello all my name is Jason and I have been diving for about 4 yrs.. In that time i have obtained the current level of asst instructor with PADI.. I have logged about 600 or so dives.. Most of them in the puget sound.. I have worked on a live boat as a divemaster in the san juans. I have not had the opprtunity to dive tropical yet. But i am planning a trip to alaska soon.. :supz: welcome to the board!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 7:12 pm
by Dave
I dive .....a lot!!!!

All eager divers welcome, the more the merrier!!! It is always nice to have an abundance of dive buds,,,


Intro from the "Lurker"

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 4:59 am
by CJ-62
Hello my name is CJ and I am a Diver....

First certed in '84, family and kids forced hiatas for a while, back into it 3 years ago when my finances turn a turn for the better. I dive when I can and that isn't nearly often enough.

I am the standard lurker type in that I may not know anyone here. I stumbled onto the board while reading a SB thread and thought this might work out. The level of civility displayed is refreshing to the soul.

Maybe I will meet a few of you in my trips to the Sound, I live and work in a Portland suburb. I'm the guy dressed like a pumpkin, orange is my favorite color for dive equipment, so feel free to say hello if we ever cross paths.

dive but dive safely,

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 6:15 pm
by sparky
welcome CJ
Glad to have you join our little pod


Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 6:21 pm
by DiverDown
Welcome!!!!!!! :partyman:

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 7:06 pm
by Dave
Welcome CJ,,,hey Spark' you have been a little quite lately, working too much is my guess but hey we have got to do what we've got to do,,,nice to see you on the board!!!

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 11:39 am
by Tangfish
CJ, welcome to the board. We've got a couple buddies from down in Oregon who make the trek up here sometimes. Maybe you guys can carpool sometime. Where do you typically go diving down there?

Dave, I like the new tagline "Extreme Diving Machine". It describes you aptly.

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 4:36 pm
by Dave
LOL,,,,that's funny Calvin! I just love diving, go figure???

hello All!

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 8:53 am
I'm keith,
I still consider myself new to diving since I just got my O/W cert. in August of 2005, I have Just over 20 Dives logged as of now. I have finally aquired all of my neccessary equiptment to dive here in the cold waters of Washington. Looking forward to doing my advanced O/W soon.
I am located in the South sound area (Lakewood/Tacoma).
I am seeking to Dive as much as my Job/Family/ Finances will allow.
Future Dives?...Alaska, Day Island, Lobster Shop Wall & Clear lake, OR. :salute: :salute:

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 4:31 pm
by Tangfish
Bassman, glad to have you aboard. Actually, a few of our member are at a similar level of experience. Notably: BJ, Erin, Tim, Galen, Patrick and Tony. I have a few more friends planning to learn soon as well. I like the range of skill levels and experience this club brings to the table. More experienced divers can help out and teach newer divers. It's also a lot of fun to see diving through a newer diver's eyes. I know I had a great time being with BJ last night when he saw his first seals! On the other end, I get some good advice from people like Janne, Jeff Salter and diver_down. And, it's great to have divers who are at the same point I am, like Dave :hal


Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 5:49 pm
by Dave
Welcome Keith,
No shortage of good diving here in the great PNW and there are some super dives in the South Sound area, you are welcome to join us anytime.

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 10:59 pm
by Maverick
I'm BJ 25 yrs and and pretty up beat and always joking around. Love to dive and the BSing that comes with it,you can find me during the week at underwater sports in Bellevue, Or otherwise trying to find someone to dive with.

I have currently been starting up a new business that will open, well our target date is May 15th. I am starting an Automotive detail shop in lynnwood just east of edmonds dive park on highway 99. Its called Metropolitan Detail

Welcome newbees, enjoy and don't be shy :partyman:

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 6:41 pm
by Dolphin_Diver
Hello my name is Tracie and I am a advanced diver with about 100 dives.
I have dove with some of you with my husband diverdown just wanted to introduce myself. And I am looking foward to meeting and diving with all of you..

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 7:01 pm
by John Rawlings
Hello everyone! John Rawlings here! Hmmmm....seems like I just did an introduction recently. Oh,'s the link - 4th post down:


Here's a link to some of my PNW photos on the ADM website: ... hotog=jraw

See you on the beach!


Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 7:47 pm
by Dave
Welcome everyone !!! It's nice to see divers of all different levels on our dives. There is nothing better than having an abundance of dive buds!!!!


Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 5:28 pm
by Tangfish
:prayer: John, those are amazing photos you have! I especially like the one of the diver and the GPO.

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 5:56 pm
by John Rawlings
Calvin wrote::prayer: John, those are amazing photos you have! I especially like the one of the diver and the GPO.
Thank you for your kind words!

That shot is of my best friend, John "Sparky" Campbell, and was taken about 4 years ago. He and the GPO "danced" for a while!

- John

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 5:57 pm
by Tangfish
Is that Sparky our Sparky here?! =D>

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 6:01 pm
by Tangfish
Hi Tracie, I didn't even see you sneak in here. Glad to have you on the board representin' the women :supz:

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 6:01 pm
by John Rawlings
Calvin wrote:Is that Sparky our Sparky here?! =D>
Nope! I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting the "Sparky" on this board, although we have e-mailed back and forth.

"My" Sparky got his name by being electrocuted while working as a telephone lineman years ago!

He is also my number one dive model when I travel for ADM articles.

- John

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 9:44 pm
by sparky
No Calvin
My real name is James Cutchall.
and I have not yet had the hornor of meeting John. R
although he is one of my diving heros. Iknow john from his work in Advanced diver and from a nother web sight and John was one of the guys I would realy look foward to answering any question I had at the time
john has grate advice on gear and sites as well as how to dive safe and is more then willing to share.

as to how I came to be known as Sparky well
It is kind of a long story how I got my nick name Ill have to share it with you some time.


Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 3:46 pm
by John Rawlings make me blush.....

Thank you for your kind words.

We'll meet on the beach one of these days!

- John

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 6:12 pm
by lostnbrownsmead
Hello Everyone I am Jay Murphy. I live in Brownmead OR near Knappa okay Astoria. I usually dive with Sparky when I am inport, as I am in the Coast Guard on a 210 ft Cutter (currently underway somewhere around the equator) I am looking forward to meeting everybody when I get back to cold water diving.
