Beautiful Dive at Les Davis Pipeline

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Beautiful Dive at Les Davis Pipeline

Post by Pinkpadigal »

I was moping around the shop today, because I missed the club dive at SWSP. So, Dan decided to cheer me up and suggest we dive the Les Davis Pipline tonight. It is a deep dive, and one of the few places I will dig out the big tank and go deep. It has been a while, but dove the pipeline this evening with 3 of my friends. Dan and Nick wanted to take their doubles out for a spin, and Randy had not been there before, so we headed out for a bit of a swim after the store closed.

It is a bout a 10 minute swim to get to the yellow buoy. Once there, we dropped down the line...easily 30 feet of vertical vis tonight. Once on the bottom, swam over to the pipe. At about 125 ft, there is an GPO...maybe one of the largest I have ever seen, living under the pipe. Dan and Nick said you could see it from both sides of the pipe. I only saw from one side; and it was massive.

Randy and I were on single tanks so we shallow up the pipe. It is covered with anenomies and tons of rat and rock fish swimming around. The rat fish were fairly large....some of the biggest I have seen. It doesn't help that I was pretty narced until I hit about 85ft. I am always looking over my shoulder here...a few of my friends have told me about 6 gill sightings here. Have not seen them myself, but always looking.

We continued up slowly to about 65 feet, hung out for about 10 minutes, just looking around the rocks for octos and other cool stuff. We continued our upward ascent to the eelgrass beds, played there for another 10 minutes and ended our dive.

I don't get to dive as much as I would like to for fun, so it was great to get out tonight and dive...
Amy Rhodes
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Re: Beautiful Dive at Les Davis Pipeline

Post by gcbryan »

That makes sense, starting at the yellow buoy. I've only done that dive a few times and I've always dropped down at the shore and go to the start of the pipeline at 95 fsw or whatever it is. I think your way is better!

There certainly seems to be a lot of GPO's at most every site right now!
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Re: Beautiful Dive at Les Davis Pipeline

Post by Tom Nic »

Nice report Amy. Thanks!

I need to scare up a 130 and do this dive!
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Re: Beautiful Dive at Les Davis Pipeline

Post by sungurl »

SOunds like you had a great time...glad you were able to get out for a dive....Have a great rest of the weekend
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