Redondo 5/13

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Redondo 5/13

Post by pogiguy05 »

Well finally got back in the water since about 1 month ago. Met up with Dave, Jared, Keith (aka the late one :neener: ) and James. James and I met at just before 5pm and got geared up and did the first dive. BIG KUDO's to I assume the group of people who have made that LAST STEP at Redondo disappear. Hearing of the bad viz as of late I stuck my head down to see what was up. Like trying to dive in pea soup I would say. I would say that 90% of both dives was a " I wonder exactly where I am moment". Tried to find the bottle field and after some wondering around we were at about 90fsw and still nothing we started to head right and back up slope.We did find one small octo and both whip out our cameras and took some pics. Somehow we wondered into the boat next to the large pipe and had a HEY something familiar moment. Proceeded to head north and once again and once again started thinking "just where are we?". Eventually we came across the rope and did find our way to what is left of the VW. OH forgot to mention someone has put a sign hooked to a pole floating just a little deeper than the boat by the PIPE and I took a pic. I will post it later as it is to early in the morning for me. OK back to being lost. James signaled that it was time to start heading back so we started to head shallow and wonder back towards the pier.We were going for what seem to be a while and finally found the pier at Salty's and followed it in and under the marine pier and our exit. There was a little current on both dives heading North but nothing to difficult to fin into.Once again thanks to those who fixed the last step.

Second dive was Keith, Jared,James, Dave and myself. The plan was to do the north-south route and James and I buddied up again. Everyone met at the bottom and pretty much was the last time we seen each other.Wondered down in the muk and ran into the small rope and followed it to the pipe. Did a heading of 360 degrees-ish and started scanning for anything that looked familiar.After some time James motioned to head shallow and we crossed paths with the other 3 guys at the light shape piles and that was the last we seen them.After that I guess we passed to VW cause James told me after the dive that it was next to him but that I probably did not see it and I did not. We did find quite a few stubby squids this time and one small octo that I think was holding onto some kelp as the current rushed by him.James and I must have gone alot farther north past the VW cause when we headed back to the entry it felt like we were going for quite a while and I started to wonder if we had passed the pier. Eventually we ran into a piling and it has some funny things hanging down on it. I thought is this the fishing pier? Did the only thing I knew and looked up and seen the water splashing on the surface and knew it was the marine pier.We surfaced to see Keith and company next to the stairs making sure we got back OK.

I will post what pics I have later today....
who is that behind the sign?
who is that behind the sign?
Last edited by pogiguy05 on Fri May 14, 2010 7:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
Jeff Castor
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Re: Redondo 5/13

Post by pogiguy05 »

Hey is my eye sight dyslexic or are the avatars on the right now. :timeout: :smt064
Jeff Castor
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Re: Redondo 5/13

Post by gutholmj »

Posted a few pics and video in another thread.

What do you mean about avatars on the right? Perhaps that fin to the face you took last night did a little more damage than you thought.
"Well as much as this pains me I am gonna have to pull out" - pogiguy05
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Re: Redondo 5/13

Post by LCF »

We dove there last Monday, and the whole dive was a "where are we now?" moment. Except for blundering over the 50 foot boat (and missing the octo at the bow) I saw nothing I recognized in the whole dive!
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Re: Redondo 5/13

Post by Mongodives »

Great dive yesterday, lost sight of everyone at about 3fsw, saw bubbles and reflictive tape on their drysuits at about 10fsw and crashed into them on the bottom.

We then unclustered ourselves and descended out of the split pea soup vis, and entered the turkey gravy vis. Headed generally north and stumbled across landmarks that sort of just jumped up at us out of the muck. After that it was pretty much what Pogiguy said. Don't know why he and James did 2 dives in that kind of vis, must be glutons for punishment.

Keith made the excellent call to dive TTN for our second. Vis was considerably better than Redondo but it was like driving through a thick fog bank with the highbeams on. A bit of a current but made for a cool cruise back to the entry.
Saw several ratfish other than that not much to write home about.
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Re: Redondo 5/13

Post by BASSMAN »

Hey guys what more can I say but...Craptastic vis is here! I am always amazed at the Bioluminescence at TTN!
And it was nice to see multiple Ratfish at TTN too! But the one true thing still rings true: "When vis is bad everywhere, it's just a little better at TTN."
Thanks guys for the 5 dives in two days, while my wife was out of town. At least it kept me off the streets and out of the bars.
BTW, Three Tree the next morning, wasn't much better than the night before. but we still saw a few cool critters.

Nice report Jeff! :thumb3d: and yes, I see the Smilies on the right too. So, no brain damage was done. I think.

And now the avatars are on the right too! What's going on here? :angry:
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Re: Redondo 5/13

Post by lavachickie »

Mongodives wrote:Great dive yesterday, lost sight of everyone at about 3fsw, saw bubbles and reflictive tape on their drysuits at about 10fsw and crashed into them on the bottom.

We then unclustered ourselves and descended out of the split pea soup vis, and entered the turkey gravy vis. Headed generally north and stumbled across landmarks that sort of just jumped up at us out of the muck. After that it was pretty much what Pogiguy said. Don't know why he and James did 2 dives in that kind of vis, must be glutons for punishment.

Keith made the excellent call to dive TTN for our second. Vis was considerably better than Redondo but it was like driving through a thick fog bank with the highbeams on. A bit of a current but made for a cool cruise back to the entry.
Saw several ratfish other than that not much to write home about.
Thank you for this post. My friend Kris just moved here (Salem, OR) and he's a diver from the midwest. We'll hit the water together soon, but I read this to him as the perfect explanation of what you just gotta put up with now and then. I especially enjoyed "out of the split pea soup vis, and entered the turkey gravy vis." Beautifully illustrative. =-)
Hey Oregon Divers: check out Oregon Scuba Club!
Looking forward to Roatan June 2016.
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