Divers Seahawk Rally

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Divers Seahawk Rally

Post by RDW »

Calling all Puget Sound divers and friends!

Join us for an underwater Seahawk rally this Saturday at the Marine Science & Tech Center ( the MaST) at Redondo.
Dive at 1100AM!
The MaST Marine Mammal coordinator, Jamie (Marine Beast Mode) Woodward and I will be doing a
special "LIVE-DIVE" video program.
The two of us will be on comms using a live video system. It will be shown on our large monitors in the aquarium at the end of our pier. We start the video at 1100. Join us on the bottom wearing any of your Seahawk swag. An underwater hydrophone will be set-up to hear all your Seahawk 12th diver marine noises...LIVE! come meet our 12th Crab and the 12th Octopus at the MaST Center. No live stream, but the video will be posted right after the event. PLEASE bring cameras and go crazy shootin' pics and video...we will be!

Stay for our Science on the Sound speaker at noon: Washington Kayak Club President Dave Ortland.
Randy Williams

"Man who say it cannot be done should not bother man who is doing it."
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