Three Tree North, and an interesting dive at Redondo.

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Three Tree North, and an interesting dive at Redondo.

Post by Penopolypants »

I met up with Spatman, Scubagirl45, Sheri, Scottsax, Pez, and Fishstiq yesterday for three (planned) dives at Three Tree North. Much to my surprise, Kalatin, Sockmonkey, and Casey were there too! It was a NWDC party!

I was late (as usual) so I rushed to get geared up, and helped Scott adjust his brand new super awesome DSS rig before we got in the water.

There was very little current and visibility was easily 20+ feet. We decided to head south and check out the cabin cruiser while Kate, Eric, and Casey went north to see the satellite dish.

Life was booming at the cruiser, including a couple of very cute baby warbonnets and a very, very large octo tucked way back in. And, oddly enough, as we headed north to check out the tire piles the current came with us. It’s weird to feel a north running current at TTN.

58 minutes of bottom time and no lumpsuckers later, Matt and I exit the water (the other teams had gone on before us). During the surface interval the newly christened “Bladder Mobile” made a coffee and bathroom run up the road. I need to get a yellow flashing light for that.....

Dive #2. The plan this time was to head north. No north running current for us this time, we managed to hit some wicked southbound current. Yikes! Spatman and I dropped down a little south of the rest of the group, and were kicking our asses off to catch up. I wish the viz (or my camera) had been a little better...when we found them, the 5 of them were ahead of us, in a perfect line, bubbles rising, kicking their asses off too, and going absolutely nowhere. Would have made a nice picture. Bollocks! I finally caught up, gave the signal for “Hell no! Turn around!” and we drifted south for a bit. Eventually we’d had enough and headed to shore. A whopping 19 minute bottom time for that dive.

On the surface we decided that current sucks and we’re heading to Redondo to see what was going on there. Loretta left us to head back to her family, while Spatman, Sheri, Scottsax, Pez, and Fishstiq (after some grumbling and “I dunno’s” , packed it in and booked it south, where we ran into Casey, Kalatin, and Sockmonkey again!

So, Dive #3 at Redondo. Oh, Redondo.....holy mamma what a dive!

Uh…where to start? Pretty good viz, ever so much better than the club dive. Lots of gunnels, baby warbonnets, full-sized warbonnets, sailfin sculpins, baby grunt sculpins, 3 octos out in the open, one big one in a den. Lots of alabaster nudis, which was nice after hardly seeing them at all this summer.

And a shark! A dogfish with a funny curve in its back.

Oh, and we saw a lobster. That was, I dunno, kinda cool, I guess.

Somebody want to tell me what the heck a maine lobster is doing in Puget Sound?
Joe swam past with his eyes like pie plates and gave me a pinching hand signal, and pointed that way. Everyone was pretty excited over something, so I moseyed over so see what all the excitement was abo....”wtf?!?! a LOBSTER?! Who the hell let a frickin’ lobster loose!?!” Escapee from Salty’s? Did someone buy one from the grocery store and let it loose? It was nice of them to take the rubber bands off first. :)

I got some pretty cool video of Scott in perfect trim in his new gear and I didn't even get to see his perfectly executed back kick. Joe practiced shooting a bag at the end and Matt practiced removing his mask. Scott unintentionally kicked Sheri's mask off, so she got to practice that too. Incredible finds and a skills dive too!

Back on the surface, the excitement wasn’t over yet, as I almost did a faceplant in full gear (very graceful, I am) after tripping over the curb on the way back as I was heading over to coachrenz & co. to blather on about the lobster find. Then it turns out that Kate, Eric, and Casey exited the water not too far behind us, and they had almost the exact same dive that we did, seeing the dogfish and the lobster too. What a day!

Afterwards, Matt headed home and the rest of us (minus Joe) had beer, burgers, and some damn fine onion rings at the Deluxe. A most excellent day of diving with most excellent company.
Last edited by Penopolypants on Sun Aug 31, 2008 3:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Three Tree North, and an interesting dive at Redondo.

Post by spatman »

nice report, PPP! i'm almost done sorting my pics and i'll post some when i'm done.

here's a little video i shot while we were drifting in that nasty current:
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Re: Three Tree North, and an interesting dive at Redondo.

Post by Sheri »

Everything just kind of melts together after such an amazing day. =D>

The first thing I heard after the second dive was, "Suck-factor 9, Mister Sulu.." as soon as Matt surfaced. Nice to be able to laugh after 20 minutes underwater having your butt kicked by the current. Didn't sign up for a drift dive, but you just go with what happens. I was able to hang on long enough to see a couple of nudi's as we swept past, but mostly it was, "Oh, there's a... There it goes.." Honestly, it was a little unnerving. It was really tough to gage how far we'd swum INTO the current, and I didn't recognize many landmarks on our way back, so where to turn upslope would have been a guess for me. We came up just barely south of the beach access. These guys are good. :notworthy:

Redondo was a great way to end the day, though. Lobster!??! I knew it must have been something exciting when everyone motioned us over, but I never expected to see that! Although I only saw the shadow passing by like a bullet, I can say I saw my first shark, too. Wow! Oh.. and approaching a group of divers by swimming up behind them is a good way to get your mask kicked off. Not a recommended practice. (But if I can get a guilt-beer out of the deal, it won't have been for nothing..)

Thanks all for a great day!

Um.. One last side note. Don't ever follow Joe to the next dive site when he's trying to use a GPS.
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Re: Three Tree North, and an interesting dive at Redondo.

Post by Pez7378 »

Great reports guys! Can't add much. It was a fun day of diving. Here's my dive report:

Hailed by some as one having the depth of Ernest Hemingway, the precision of James Joyce, the wit of Terry Pratchett, and a minimalist approach like richard serra. This is Chris Lopez - action writer. Coming to a book store near you................

Went diving yesterday.

Saw a Lobster and a shark.

The end.
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Re: Three Tree North, and an interesting dive at Redondo.

Post by Dusty2 »

Pez7378 wrote:Great reports guys! Can't add much. It was a fun day of diving. Here's my dive report:

Hailed by some as one having the depth of Ernest Hemingway, the precision of James Joyce, the wit of Terry Pratchett, and a minimalist approach like richard serra. This is Chris Lopez - action writer. Coming to a book store near you................

Went diving yesterday.

Saw a Lobster and a shark.

The end.
Now that's an excellent report! :laughing3:
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Re: Three Tree North, and an interesting dive at Redondo.

Post by scottsax »

Penelope claims I was in perfect trim, but I felt continually like I was going to do a nosedive into the sand... Perhaps that's just me not being used to swimming horizontally. The back kick is something I've been working on, but I never could get it to work that good again on the dive. Chris saw it, so at least someone out there knows I have the theory down.

Lots and lots of ratfish at TTN. I realize that's not exciting for most, but I've only seen one before Saturday. The lobster was cool, but a little out of context at Redondo. I missed the shark. Penelope gave me a signal that I now know was for "shark" (hand held like a fin to the forehead,) but at the time I was thinking, "Is she calling me a loser? What a b....!" (Sorry for doubting you!) So for now I will have to remain sharkless....

Good tmes, y'all!
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Re: Three Tree North, and an interesting dive at Redondo.

Post by Pez7378 »

I did indeed see your back kick! I was backing away from the big pipe, and looked to my left and there you were in reverse! =D> At first I thought you were mimicking me then I thought you wanted to race so I went for it, then looked to my right to get Joe's attention so that he could see how much better at it you are then he is! :smt064
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Re: Three Tree North, and an interesting dive at Redondo.

Post by LCF »

Penelope claims I was in perfect trim, but I felt continually like I was going to do a nosedive into the sand... Perhaps that's just me not being used to swimming horizontally.
Don't worry -- That's EXACTLY how I felt when I first got horizontal, too! You get used to it. The first few dives I spent working on my trim, I had to ask myself, "Are you uncomfortable? Because if you're not, you're probably not horizontal yet . . . " :-)
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Re: Three Tree North, and an interesting dive at Redondo.

Post by Dusty2 »

LCF wrote:
Penelope claims I was in perfect trim, but I felt continually like I was going to do a nosedive into the sand... Perhaps that's just me not being used to swimming horizontally.
Don't worry -- That's EXACTLY how I felt when I first got horizontal, too! You get used to it. The first few dives I spent working on my trim, I had to ask myself, "Are you uncomfortable? Because if you're not, you're probably not horizontal yet . . . " :-)
Ha! maybe that's my problem to. I have been feeling the same thing with my new rig but when I ask my buddy he said I was dead level??? Wierd, Thru the whole dive I was tring to get my nose up!
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Re: Three Tree North, and an interesting dive at Redondo.

Post by spatman »

Pez7378 wrote:Went diving yesterday.

Saw a Lobster and a shark.

The end.

went diving yesterday.

current picked up at 3 tree.

gave joe a sandwich.

should've eaten that lobster.

took some pictures:

to be continued.
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Re: Three Tree North, and an interesting dive at Redondo.

Post by Penopolypants »

Pez7378 wrote:Great reports guys! Can't add much. It was a fun day of diving. Here's my dive report:

Hailed by some as one having the depth of Ernest Hemingway, the precision of James Joyce, the wit of Terry Pratchett, and a minimalist approach like richard serra. This is Chris Lopez - action writer. Coming to a book store near you................

Went diving yesterday.

Saw a Lobster and a shark.

The end.
Brilliant! Will you autograph my copy? :book:
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Re: Three Tree North, and an interesting dive at Redondo.

Post by Pez7378 »

Scubagirl45 wrote:Great reports p-pants and chris! It was also great meeting scott, sheri, kalatin, sockmonkey, and anyone else I missed naming! I had alot of fun; I just wish I had gone to Redondo with you guys!!
Eh. You didn't miss much...................
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Re: Three Tree North, and an interesting dive at Redondo.

Post by Sockmonkey »

My list is short... but yesterday was one of the best days diving in the pacnorwest for me so far. The east coast can suck on an empty cylinder as far as I'm concerned.

With no hyperbole intended my first dive at EUW park in May was the clincher in my decision to move here. Ok so I had already had a job lined up, and the boss had already had one lined up for herself too... but there was no doubt in my mind I was westbound after edmonds. And I've known that there's a community of people out here. I've read the boards, I've gone to a bunch of NWUE tweeks... but yesterday just sealed my satisfaction with moving here after encountering all the friendly... and sardonic... faces yesterday.

Here's my bulleted dive report from yesterday...
  • Arrived at TTN to find an impromptu club dive in progress
  • Doubles empty due to earlier splash time than planned. Waaa.
  • Borrowed a tank from a kindly scuba herpe. Then proceeded to call him names as the 10-12 of us waited for everyone to get in the water.
  • Went north.
  • Saw the octo under the golf ball boat (thanks to Scott for showing him to me during a tweek).
  • Wondered if Casey was native american as he came at me with his palm up. How? Kemosabe? Oh.. right.. high five.
  • Chased Casey down when he got distracted by something shiny underwater the moment Kate gave the exit signal. He didn't seem to miss my light striking his tank.
  • Watched Kate vent her drysuit with confidence and not cork in 10 feet of water. Awesome.
  • Learned that p-valve talk never seems to get old.
  • Wondered if a suburu (I think) filled with 6 people with full bladders would make a car chase type tire squeal as it took off to Starbucks.
  • Took off to TL Sea to get my doubles filled. They couldn't read the viz sticker on my doubles. No fill for me. Boy was that guy a jerk about it (they were out of viz it turns out).
  • Casey got a fill.
  • Met Kate and Kirk at Redondo.
  • Kirk transfilled my doubles.
  • Spent the whole dive filling my wing and still wasn't quite comfy down there. My 3rd dive in doubles.
  • Used my (not can) light as an old man cane most of the dive. One of those gnarled horns to my ear would have completed my kit.
  • Saw the dogfish. Totally psyched but played it cool to be sure that I wasn't just an easily impressed east coaster. Whew! It was much awesome.
  • Saw the lobster. Invasive or not... I was totally unimpressed.
  • Got a laugh out of the VW.
  • Flailed around.
  • Ran into the nomadic club dive in the parking lot.
  • Much lobster talk ensued... and continues.
Lets go get the lobster and put its head on a stick and dance around it. Maybe someone can break my glasses and sound the conch shell too.

Totally fun to put more faces to nwdc names.

Thanks all (especially Kirk).

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Re: Three Tree North, and an interesting dive at Redondo.

Post by BASSMAN »

Know one got a picture of this Lobster? :dontknow:

Sounds like a great dive day! :supz:

Last Friday Tom and I got our butt's Kicked at Three tree N. current! :toimonster:
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Re: Three Tree North, and an interesting dive at Redondo.

Post by spatman »

BASSMAN wrote:So!
Know one got a picture of this Lobster? :dontknow:
there's a couple in this thread, bassman.
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Re: Three Tree North, and an interesting dive at Redondo.

Post by BASSMAN »

Hi, my name is Keith, and I'm a Dive Addict! :supz:
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