UTD Tech 1 Experience Dive

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UTD Tech 1 Experience Dive

Post by Pez7378 »

Well, I guess that about says it all. Joe and I experienced our first UTD Tech 1 dive. Seriously, what's the fuss about all this tech diving thing? :dontknow: (kidding) We had our cylinders filled the week prior for a dive that didn't happen due to sketchy weather conditions. The plan was to fill both sets with 25/25 with 100% O2 for deco. How much is an all you can eat Helium card? At any rate, we didn't dive that weekend. No worries, I guess if we're gonna try to become tech divers, we should get used to that sort of thing.

Joe had waited until Saturday night, to determine if he could go diving Sunday. I don't know if he had to ask permission or what, but he was laying it on pretty good with Dinner and a Movie. I went along just in case he needed backup, or a bailout for saying anything stupid. Anyway, the plan was set Saturday night, meet at Alki at 1100 am. Okay, so what about the dive?

I arrived at around 1030 and started to set up my gear. Joe was already there. I think he's a little more excited about this tech stuff than I am. Brian and Jeanna showed up and we had a small discussion about the plan. Brian said the site was pretty deep, and we'd go down to 130' and look around. We talked about calculating a deco schedule, based on the 150'=1:1 setpoint. I'm not sure but I might have blacked out. Numbers do that to me. After spending several minutes just going over deco profiles on paper, we packed it up and headed to the site. Okay, where is this place? Is it by the Pipeline? Jeanna said she thought it was just "North" of the pipleine. Hey! I'm a navigating fool, I know where North is. It's the opposite of South, so we ended up going to the wrong place. Good think Joe remembers numbers. He's giving me signals, "4100 beach view" in my rearview mirror. So we find Brian and Jeanna, park and begin to gear up and get in the water. Brian and I are walking back to the cars from the beach, and this guy asks us how deep we're gonna go. Finally! The opportunity I've been waiting for! "All the way to the bottom!" I reply. He realized his mistake as soon as he said it.

So we gear up and get in the water. As we wait for Jeanna, Joe and I do our gear checks. Seriously, the guy's got problems. You'd think he could take this tech stuff more seriously [-X . After several derailments of my flawless equipment procedure, I think we're done, so we start the long swim out. It wasn't until this morning when I realized we forgot to do bubble checks....again! We're at a site Brian called the Vault, which is basically a trench that goes down sharply into a kind of bowl. It's one of those sites that requires a decent surface swim, and I know the purpose of that is to make me wish I had a scooter. Honestly, I get more enjoyment out of watching Joe struggle to keep his skinny legs from breaking pushing the weight of those twins! When he stops to catch his breath, I really feel superior!


I'm leading the dive, and Joe's going to call deco. This I would find out later is a big mistake! Next time I'm calling Deco. So after swimming forever against the wind and the swell, I was happy to submerge and get this show on the road. After a quick spin around to check the team, I noticed Joe had a routing issue with his light, easy fix. I was focused on getting us there, and making sure I could get us back, while Joe and Brian flanked me on either side so I pretty much kept all my attention forward. Right around 70 fsw, I started to feel that heart pumping anxiety. Strange, there is no way this is narcosis as I calculated the END for my mix (28.5/25.6) to be around 96.2 fsw. At 5 minutes we were at 110 fsw. At 8 minutes we were at 132 fsw. Someone’s binky (BT) was Beeping to beat the band, and looked around to figure out what the hell was going on. Joe, apparently had a max depth alert and we had to listen to his computer beeping for a full 2 minutes!

At some point, we ended up at about 137-138 fsw depending on which gauge you’re going by. Joes is consistently a foot deeper than mine, and that’s NOT what she said! I was working on calculating average depth and eventually settled on 130 fsw. There really isn’t much to see, and we were getting bored looking at nothing. I turned to Joe, and asked him what he had for AD. 130. Good, we’re on the same page. About 15 minutes into the dive, I turned around, and realized Jeanna was not with us. Hmmmmm she must’ve called the dive just after we submerged. Brian was there, and didn’t seem concerned. I signaled Joe, and we had a pointless conversation about it. I was trying to ask if her ears didn’t clear, as that was an issue for her on Saturday. He thought I was having problems with my ears. Talk about lousy situational awareness. Neither of us even noticed that one of our team members was missing! Sorry Jeanna.

18 minutes into the dive, and I’m bored to tears. I give the turn signal, Joe’s onboard, Brian shrugs and we head back. I look back to see Brian taking notes as he swims along. He hands me his wet notes and I give them to Joe. I’m thinking good, Brian is giving Joe our schedule. Joe takes over and we begin our ascent. I’ve got a real problem incorporating travel time, with stop time. We’re moving at a snails pace (10 fpm) and I want to STOP at 90. At 76 fsw, Joe’s panicking and telling me to hurry up. Okay okay! I’m coming already. Good job Joe, that’s exactly what you need to be doing. Been there done that! LOL. Then I look over at him, somewhere between 70 and 60 fsw and Joe is doing math. Looking at his computer (BT) and using his finger to write numbers…… :nervous: ..??? I look over at him and give him the universal do you need a calculator? Is everything okay? I get a pretty confident Okay back so I relax and settle in for the ride. 60 fsw 3 minutes, 50 fsw 3 minutes, 40 fsw 2 minutes, 30 fsw 2 minutes. I don’t know why, but none of that added up for me. I sure hope he knows what he’s doing! Next stop, 20 fsw time for a gas switch! Here I was thinking, man, we did great on this gas switch. From 30 to 20 we both had our regs deployed, our gas was turned on, purged and we were ready. I thought we did pretty damn good, but we forgot to “Okay” our hoses and Brian was quick to point out our mistake. This will be much more important in Tech 2 when we're using more than one bottle! Finally Joe decides to tell me what the plan is. 7 minutes at 20 fsw, and 3 minutes from 20 fsw to the surface. Now it clicks. We’re doing a schedule for 130’ for 30 minutes, with 20 minutes of deco, 10 minutes from 60’ to 20’ on backgas, and 10 minutes from 20’ to the surface on O2.

Now I said earlier that letting Joe call deco was a mistake. But it wasn’t because he screwed it up. Joe nailed it. He was a deco calling rockstar. He was in control for once in his life, and he didn’t mess things up. Most importantly, he didn’t turn me into a pretzl. =D> The mistake was letting Joe call deco, because he did such a good job, that now we’ll never hear the end of it!
Last edited by Pez7378 on Mon Mar 23, 2009 3:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: UTD Tech 1 Experience Dive

Post by dsteding »

Awesome. My first tech dive consisted of me completely screwing up the schedule coming up from 130--we ended up fighting the current at Dalco in a vain attempt to stay on the shelf, despite having a live boat (and then went with the flow and stayed right on the shelf).

Great lessons.

Where did Jeanna go?
Fishstiq wrote:
To clarify.........

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Re: UTD Tech 1 Experience Dive

Post by Pez7378 »

dsteding wrote:Awesome. My first tech dive consisted of me completely screwing up the schedule coming up from 130--we ended up fighting the current at Dalco in a vain attempt to stay on the shelf, despite having a live boat (and then went with the flow and stayed right on the shelf).

Great lessons.

Where did Jeanna go?
She told us later that she was having some issues with her Argon. Had we slowed down enough for her to fix it, she'd have been with us. I took off, focusing on the dive and Brian stayed with us. By the time she got it fixed, we were gone. :shootself: So she went back to shore to wait for us. If it were me, I'd have been Pissed! :angryfire:
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Re: UTD Tech 1 Experience Dive

Post by BDub »

Jeanna had a problem with her argon reg on the descent so she waved me off.

In their defense (and anyone who's done class with critical skills dives with us can attest), often times the students don't know where we're at (though I'm sure they wish they did) and they're told that the staff is not part of the team. If we need to jump on the team, we'll signal as such.

So, a student not noticing a staff member isn't present isn't nearly like losing a teammate. As it was on the dive yesterday, I was above and behind for a good portion of it (ask Joe, he saw the decoration I put on Chris' doubles) and out of their sight.

So, yes, I would've like to have seen them notice that she wasn't there, but considering they only actually see us about 10% of the time, its not uncommon. Their positioning, communication and contact was pretty good.

Oh, and I'm glad you realized you missed the bubble check. You have a surprise coming next time ;)

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Re: UTD Tech 1 Experience Dive

Post by dsteding »

BDub wrote:Jeanna had a problem with her argon reg on the descent so she waved me off.

In their defense (and anyone who's done class with critical skills dives with us can attest), often times the students don't know where we're at (though I'm sure they wish they did) and they're told that the staff is not part of the team. If we need to jump on the team, we'll signal as such.

So, a student not noticing a staff member isn't present isn't nearly like losing a teammate. As it was on the dive yesterday, I was above and behind for a good portion of it (ask Joe, he saw the decoration I put on Chris' doubles) and out of their sight.

So, yes, I would've like to have seen them notice that she wasn't there, but considering they only actually see us about 10% of the time, its not uncommon. Their positioning, communication and contact was pretty good.

Oh, and I'm glad you realized you missed the bubble check. You have a surprise coming next time ;)
Ah, she was in an instructor roll? No real worries there--I wouldn't expect Joe or Chris to keep track of her. You instructors are sneaky, even on experience dives. Andrew had the habit of completely melding into the background, only to pop up at times like when I hit rock bottom, go OOA, and then do an air-share ascent, maskless, finless, with my pockets emptied out, my p-valve bolt tightened down and my tanks taken away from me.
Fishstiq wrote:
To clarify.........

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Re: UTD Tech 1 Experience Dive

Post by BDub »

Pez7378 wrote:Now I said earlier that letting Joe call deco was a mistake. But it wasn’t because he screwed it up. Joe nailed it. He was a deco calling rockstar. He was in control for once in his life, and he didn’t mess things up. Most importantly, he didn’t turn me into a pretzl. =D> The mistake was letting Joe call deco, because he did such a good job, that now we’ll never hear the end of it!:lalala:
Yeah, but
Pez7378 wrote:60 fsw 3 minutes, 50 fsw 3 minutes, 40 fsw 2 minutes, 30 fsw 2 minutes.
3, 3, 2, 2?! :shootself:

Its a miracle we're still alive

Seriously, for your first ever tech dive, you guys did well. Joe stumbled on shaping the profile a bit, but he calculated the deco time and did a great job keeping the schedule. Shaping it will come as you gain experience.

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Re: UTD Tech 1 Experience Dive

Post by Sounder »

Sounds like a good time; I can't wait for April!! I'm sure Peter and I will have our own follies to share.

Admitting he's consistently a foot deeper AND he nailed your deco? Yeah dude, you'll never live that down. :kissing:
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Re: UTD Tech 1 Experience Dive

Post by Pez7378 »

BDub wrote: Yeah, but
Pez7378 wrote:60 fsw 3 minutes, 50 fsw 3 minutes, 40 fsw 2 minutes, 30 fsw 2 minutes.
3, 3, 2, 2?! :shootself:

Its a miracle we're still alive

Seriously, for your first ever tech dive, you guys did well. Joe stumbled on shaping the profile a bit, but he calculated the deco time and did a great job keeping the schedule. Shaping it will come as you gain experience.
He's lucky I didn't crash my car into the ditch as I was snoozing :sleep: on the way home! :smt064 I'm sure it wasn't the Manny's. :occasion5: :angelblue:

I forgot to mention this. As we were finishing up our 20' stop, and began our slow ascent to the surface, my computer (set to gauge) indicated that I needed to do a 3 minute stop! I showed it to Joe, and we both flooded our masks! :evil4:
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Re: UTD Tech 1 Experience Dive

Post by Nwbrewer »

Nicely done guys. :supz: ( well, other than the losing Jeanna part) I suppose now I'm gonna have to get some doubles so that you'll dive with me still. :snorkel:

How little was there to see there? Was it like the lake?
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Re: UTD Tech 1 Experience Dive

Post by BDub »

Nwbrewer wrote:How little was there to see there? Was it like the lake?
More like the moon...

Though we did see a skate....and a fish

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Re: UTD Tech 1 Experience Dive

Post by LCF »

Sounds like a good dive. I don't like diving as a team of four, because it's just TOO difficult to keep track of three other people, especially in Puget Sound viz. If four of us dive, it's always as two teams of two, with the agreement that if the teams get separated, you continue your dive.

One of the big disappointments of going for depth in the Sound is that there aren't that many places in the 100 to 130 range that are all that interesting. Even Waterman's Wall has less life on it at 120 than it does at 90. But on the other hand, if you go to the right places, there are cloud sponges . . .
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Re: UTD Tech 1 Experience Dive

Post by dsteding »

LCF wrote:Sounds like a good dive. I don't like diving as a team of four, because it's just TOO difficult to keep track of three other people, especially in Puget Sound viz. If four of us dive, it's always as two teams of two, with the agreement that if the teams get separated, you continue your dive.
They weren't diving as a team of four--Jeanna and Brian were the instructors watching Joe and Chris.
Fishstiq wrote:
To clarify.........

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Re: UTD Tech 1 Experience Dive

Post by BDub »

LCF wrote:Sounds like a good dive. I don't like diving as a team of four, because it's just TOO difficult to keep track of three other people, especially in Puget Sound viz. If four of us dive, it's always as two teams of two, with the agreement that if the teams get separated, you continue your dive.
Agreed. Dive a team of 2 or a team of 3. If there's more than 3, then break the group into 2 teams.

This, however, was one of their experience dives. They planned the dive, and did the dive. I (instructor) was a shadow that was there only if needed or to prevent them from making a dangerous mistake (calculating deco incorrectly, etc). Jeanna was there to video. I know you know what experience dives are, Lynne, just clarifying for others.

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Re: UTD Tech 1 Experience Dive

Post by Nwbrewer »

BDub wrote:
Nwbrewer wrote:How little was there to see there? Was it like the lake?
More like the moon...

Though we did see a skate....and a fish
Soooo.... More life than the lake? :calvin:
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Re: UTD Tech 1 Experience Dive

Post by Pez7378 »

Nwbrewer wrote:
BDub wrote:
Nwbrewer wrote:How little was there to see there? Was it like the lake?
More like the moon...

Though we did see a skate....and a fish
Soooo.... More life than the lake? :calvin:
You really wanna know? Get yourself some twins, take a class, borrow a deco bottle, and let's go find out! Hehehehe :evil4:

It was desolate. I saw a couple of fish, a skate, a few crab, a bunch of clam siphons, and a couple of anemones. There were also a couple of crab pots.

More life than the lake. But not much.
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Re: UTD Tech 1 Experience Dive

Post by airsix »

Pez7378 wrote:I forgot to mention this. As we were finishing up our 20' stop, and began our slow ascent to the surface, my computer (set to gauge) indicated that I needed to do a 3 minute stop! I showed it to Joe, and we both flooded our masks! :evil4:
No lie, a couple weeks ago I did a 40 minute dive with a max depth of 14ft and my computer said I couldn't fly for 24hrs.

Oh, and GREAT REPORT! That was a good read.
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Re: UTD Tech 1 Experience Dive

Post by CaptnJack »

Pez7378 wrote:Joe had waited until Saturday night, to determine if he could go diving Sunday. I don't know if he had to ask permission or what, but he was laying it on pretty good with Dinner and a Movie. I went along just in case he needed backup, or a bailout for saying anything stupid. Anyway, the plan was set Saturday night, meet at Alki at 1100 am. Okay, so what about the dive?
So how was the date?? :kissing:
Pez7378 wrote: so I relax and settle in for the ride. 60 fsw 3 minutes, 50 fsw 3 minutes, 40 fsw 2 minutes, 30 fsw 2 minutes. I don’t know why, but none of that added up for me. I sure hope he knows what he’s doing!
I just had to laugh at this. So much for redundant brain eh? :snipersmiley:
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Re: UTD Tech 1 Experience Dive

Post by Pez7378 »

Pez7378 wrote:Joe had waited until Saturday night, to determine if he could go diving Sunday. I don't know if he had to ask permission or what, but he was laying it on pretty good with Dinner and a Movie. I went along just in case he needed backup, or a bailout for saying anything stupid. Anyway, the plan was set Saturday night, meet at Alki at 1100 am. Okay, so what about the dive?
CaptnJack wrote:So how was the date?? :kissing:
The date was good. Joe got to go diving Sunday!

Pez7378 wrote: so I relax and settle in for the ride. 60 fsw 3 minutes, 50 fsw 3 minutes, 40 fsw 2 minutes, 30 fsw 2 minutes. I don’t know why, but none of that added up for me. I sure hope he knows what he’s doing!
CaptnJack wrote:I just had to laugh at this. So much for redundant brain eh? :snipersmiley:
Yeah, I was useless.
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Re: UTD Tech 1 Experience Dive

Post by CaptnJack »

Pez7378 wrote: The date was good. Joe got to go diving Sunday!
What are buddies for huh? :ballandchain:
Pez7378 wrote:Yeah, I was useless.
:koolaid: :zots: :sign10:
Sounder wrote:Under normal circumstances, I would never tell another man how to shave his balls... but this device should not be kept secret.
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Re: UTD Tech 1 Experience Dive

Post by BDub »

CaptnJack wrote:
Pez7378 wrote: The date was good. Joe got to go diving Sunday!
What are buddies for huh? :ballandchain:
Pez7378 wrote:Yeah, I was useless.
:koolaid: :zots: :sign10:
Chief...slow down, Turbo ;)

I think it needs to be said that Chris is beating himself up a bit, but the "experience dives" are not graduation dives. They're part of the class just like the personal skills dives and critical skills dives.

The critical skills dives teach the mindset, protocols, prioritizing, problem management, etc. Yes, you get beat up, but you learn a lot.

You learn equally as much in the experience dives, though in a different way. You're not dealing with failures, but now you're dealing with managing the dive, working with the team dynamic, depth averaging, calculating a schedule on the fly, keeping the schedule and going into a true deco obligation for the very first time, etc.

Yesterday was by no means a "You guys are done, now lets go have a fun dive". Yesterday was a move up to the next level. They did well for their first dive at that level, and they know what they need to work on on the subsequent dives.
Last edited by BDub on Mon Mar 23, 2009 8:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: UTD Tech 1 Experience Dive

Post by CaptnJack »

BDub wrote:Chief...slow down, Turbo ;)
Yeah yeah dad :rocket:

Wait I am older than you :extinguishflame:
Sounder wrote:Under normal circumstances, I would never tell another man how to shave his balls... but this device should not be kept secret.
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Re: UTD Tech 1 Experience Dive

Post by dsteding »

CaptnJack wrote:
BDub wrote:Chief...slow down, Turbo ;)
Yeah yeah dad :rocket:

Wait I am older than you :extinguishflame:
In the sense of maturity :binkybaby: or tree rings :rawlings: ? I'll agree with the latter. The former? Depends on who has had more mojitos.
Fishstiq wrote:
To clarify.........

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Re: UTD Tech 1 Experience Dive

Post by CaptnJack »

dsteding wrote:
CaptnJack wrote:
BDub wrote:Chief...slow down, Turbo ;)
Yeah yeah dad :rocket:

Wait I am older than you :extinguishflame:
In the sense of maturity :binkybaby: or tree rings :rawlings: ? I'll agree with the latter. The former? Depends on who has had more mojitos.
Mojitos, the standardized UTD drink. So we all have a consistent hangover time.
Sounder wrote:Under normal circumstances, I would never tell another man how to shave his balls... but this device should not be kept secret.
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Re: UTD Tech 1 Experience Dive

Post by BDub »

CaptnJack wrote:
dsteding wrote:
CaptnJack wrote:
BDub wrote:Chief...slow down, Turbo ;)
Yeah yeah dad :rocket:

Wait I am older than you :extinguishflame:
In the sense of maturity :binkybaby: or tree rings :rawlings: ? I'll agree with the latter. The former? Depends on who has had more mojitos.
Mojitos, the standardized UTD drink. So we all have a consistent hangover time.
Now if only we can find away to accelerate hangover time like deco time :partyman:

"It's a lot easier when you're not doing it" - CaseyB449

"There needs to be more strawberry condoms. Just not on my regulator" - DSteding
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Re: UTD Tech 1 Experience Dive

Post by dsteding »

BDub wrote:
Now if only we can find away to accelerate hangover time like deco time :partyman:
Dude, O2 works for that. Seriously.
Fishstiq wrote:
To clarify.........

I cannot stress enough that this is MY PROBLEM.
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