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Don't know much about CCRs but...

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 1:54 pm
by Mattleycrue76

That seems like pretty smokin deal. Strange thing is I don't think I've ever met anyone who dives on of those units or even seen one at a dive site. I wonder why? :dontknow:

Re: Don't know much about CCRs but...

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 3:32 pm
by LCF
I suspect it's simply because we don't have anybody here marketing them (that I know of, anyway). Optimas aren't rare in Florida.

Re: Don't know much about CCRs but...

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 3:46 pm
by Dmitchell
Nevermind, I reread the post.

Re: Don't know much about CCRs but...

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 3:50 pm
by Mattleycrue76
The way I'm reading the ad it only says

"The following items are not included with the O2ptima due to individual diver preferences: harness, wing, tanks."

And even that is a quote from the OEM's website

Re: Don't know much about CCRs but...

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 4:08 pm
by CaptnJack
CCRs are a common item to try to fraudulently sell (at least on ebay)

Re: Don't know much about CCRs but...

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 7:46 pm
by Mattleycrue76
CaptnJack wrote:CCRs are a common item to try to fraudulently sell (at least on ebay)

Good point although scammers typically don't post a local phone number.

Speaking of scammers I was bored today so while I was browsing CL I responded to a few of the scam ads. 08 toyota sienna for 5k blah blah. Just to see what stories they're coming up with now. I can't believe people are still falling for the tired old " I'm in the military in Britain and you can buy my car for 5 grand shipped to your doorstep" scam. #-o

Re: Don't know much about CCRs but...

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 10:22 pm
by Dusty2
Anything I by on CL will be cash on delivery or pickup

Re: Don't know much about CCRs but...

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 11:01 pm
by Joshua Smith
I've been hearing about an Op2ima for sale in the seattle area at a great price for a while, now- probably this same unit. It may or may not be a legit deal. But nobody at all is diving one around here- that's a Florida thang. They're popular down there. One large reason I went with a Meg is that the factory is in Centralia. I drove down there to pick mine up after it was built. I like that. Of course, Megsare popular in Australia, Europe, and Asia....because they have great customer service. But....well, honestly, not very many people seem to take the Op2ima seriously. It doesn't seem to be the CCR of choice for serious dives, or divers....outside of Florida. My .02c, take it or leave it.

Re: Don't know much about CCRs but...

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 4:38 am
by Mattleycrue76
Ha Ha! speaking of scammers, i just got this message on my UTD page. She (or he) left the exact same message for at least 20 othe people. I guess love is in the air...

At 3:11am on September 18, 2009, munasbaby said…
My name is miss munas i saw your profile today at( and fund you worthy to be mine as some one whom i can lay on his arms as long as love is concern, caring and teassing you all the nightlong and ,l will also like to know you the more,and l want you to send an email to my email address ( so l can give you my picture for you to know whom l am. Here is my email address I believe we can move from here! I waiting for your mail to my email address above. miss munas
(Remeber the distance or colour does not matter but love matters alot in life)

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Re: Don't know much about CCRs but...

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 7:52 am
by April
wow, I didn't realize fishstiq had such bad grammar

Re: Don't know much about CCRs but...

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 7:57 am
by Nwbrewer
April wrote:wow, I didn't realize fishstiq had such bad grammar
:laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3: