Why I can't dive until December...

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Why I can't dive until December...

Post by scottsax »

On October 13th, I had bilateral endoscopic sinus surgery to remove polyps from my nasal passages, maxillary, ethmoid, and frontal sinuses. I didn't have issues diving, but they were impacting my sleep and overall breathing, and the ENT suggested they be removed.

I went in at 10 in the morning, and checked in without event. My BP was elevated, which I'm blaming on my mom, although the docs and nurses suggested that having surgery might have something to do with it. The IV line was placed without incident, many MANY people stopped by and asked me all the same questions over and over again, and I signed some forms that I'm pretty sure gives Group Health all and future royalties/publishing rights to the back catalog of my music dating back to my earliest improvisations. I don't know, it's like the diving waivers-"This is dangerous. Seriously, it's dangerous. You could die. If you do die, you're on your own."
The gowns are much bigger than I remember, or at least they had them in my size, and THEY HOOK UP TO A HEATER!!
Someone needs to figure out how to wire that to a Weezle and run it off of a 12 volt adapter!
Note the tube running into the gown on the left side of the picture. So warm!
Note the tube running into the gown on the left side of the picture. So warm!
The anesthesiologist took me into the OR, had me lie down on the creepy execution, I mean operating, table, and began to engage me in small talk about where I worked and what I did. I started to reply and found myself in the recovery room. Seriously, no countdown, nothing, just out and back!

Surgery was slow that day, so there was no hurry as I napped and the anesthetic slowly wore off. Apparently, the doc was unable to get up into the frontal sinuses in my forehead due to the crazy amount of polyps in my maxillary and ethmoid sinuses, so those will be treated with prednisone and watched. I really don't want to have to the surgery again, so hopefully they'll behave. There was some bleeding, so he did a fair amount of cauterization, which still hurts like hell. He packed my sinuses with what can only be described as nasal tampons and taped the strings to my nose, which was a dead sexy look for me....
The bandage under my chin is pulled down to get a better look at the packing. It had a piece of gauze under it to catch, well, stuff....
The bandage under my chin is pulled down to get a better look at the packing. It had a piece of gauze under it to catch, well, stuff....
I then slept the rest of the day and into the night in front of the TV. Finally went to bed around 12:30 after taking Vicodin and antibiotics.

The next day, I had the packing removed because I just couldn't take it anymore! Worst part of that was the Total Recall forceps pulling ickyness, and then the suction device he inserted (like a 14 gauge needle shoved up my nose.)

So now it's onto the healing process. I shouldn't be allowed on the computer under the influence of pain meds, because apparently I made all sorts of outlandish promises about playing a gig that weekend, or finding a sub, none of which I have clear recollections of.

I'm back at work, still taking antibiotics and prednisone, and most importantly, NOT SMOKING. I hate it. Seriously, I hate it. Don't tell me I'll live longer, don't tell me it'll make diving better, don't tell me it'll make singing and playing the horn better, I don't care. I'm exercising a frightening amount of willpower that can only be attributed to sheer stupidity, and trying to find a nicotine gum that doesn't taste like ass and make me want to smoke. I realize there's all sorts of programs and prescriptions out there, all of which are available to Group Health employees for free, but I don't want to hear it. I'm going to give it a good solid 2 weeks of healing, and see how I feel. Anybody have any recommendations for nicotine gum?

So, no strenuous activity for a couple weeks, no saxophone for a couple weeks, and no diving for 6-8 weeks. Oh well, I'm consoling myself by telling myself the visibility will be phenomenal when I get back in the water. Right?
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Re: Why I can't dive until December...

Post by lizard0924 »

Hey Scott. Good to hear that the surgery went well. Hang in there about the smoking thing....it gets better. Really. I swear.


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Re: Why I can't dive until December...

Post by scottsax »

lizard0924 wrote:Hang in there about the smoking thing....it gets better. Really. I swear.


Thanks, though...
I'm going to look like a moose on rollerskates. -airsix
... my Mom caught me fenestrating once. -lavachickie
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Re: Why I can't dive until December...

Post by Kalatin »

You are one sexy beast Scott. I hope you are feeling better soon. Quitting smoking sucks. I did it five or six times before it stuck (most of the way, unless I was diving with you or drinking with another of my friends). All nicotine gum tastes like ass, in my experience. My solution was the nicotine patch combined with some actual decent tasting gum (I am partial to watermelon or orange bubblegum).
Good luck and feel better soon.
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Re: Why I can't dive until December...

Post by Jenbowes »

NICE photo! Oh, you babaliscious, you!

Yeah, nicotine gum is "ob the debil!" Real gum, stuff to crunch on (carrots, celery, nuts), and occupy your hands with something else. That's my advice.

I quit cold turkey 9 years ago, and I was a complete NUT JOB for about a month. But, my "easing" into quitting always "eased" back into smoking, so I finally just had to STOP.

Hardest thing I ever did. Don't do it unless you're ready - otherwise, it's just a painful experience (for you and those who love you).

Oh. Well. Except for NOW, when you're forced to ... poor loved ones.
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Re: Why I can't dive until December...

Post by mz53480 »

Jenbowes wrote:...I was a complete NUT JOB for about a month....
Yeah, October has been tough on you..... :penelope:

Scott--well, if you won't need that mask for a while I know someone who would love to use it (again).
(best of luck w/ the smoking. I could get you some straight nicotine-- that would just kill you though.
and watch out for the prednisone sweats and heart palps)
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Re: Why I can't dive until December...

Post by Penopolypants »

Well...at least there was minimal bruising! I would probably still tell people that I was in a UFC event or some such. :)

Quitting smoking is excruciating, no doubt. Be patient with yourself, and I hope that Hannah can be patient with you too. It does get easier.
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Re: Why I can't dive until December...

Post by BASSMAN »

Scott, fellow rocker, take all the time you need to heal and don't be like me and try to do too much too soon. #-o
This is what worked for me when I finally quit smoking.
#1. I made the descision that I was allways going to be a smoker and I only had control, if I NEVER lit another cigarrett .
Kind of like the whole Alchoholic thing.
#2 I used the Lozenger. Not like the instructions though. First when you feel the ugre to smoke put one in your mouth, Bite it once (only Once) and swallow it with plenty of water. The first one I tried, I chewed it up and almost Puked! The one bite and swalloew with water worked great and I only did it a couple of times per day, for about a week and that was that!
Now, as long as I never smoke that one cigarrett, I will be a non-smoker. I really do think the mindset is 99% of the eqation. Quitting was easy I did it about twenty times each day for several years. Oh and one more thing, while driving in a car, have plenty of Sunflower Seeds they help allot!
Take care and don't be afraid to be called a Quitter!
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Re: Why I can't dive until December...

Post by Sockmonkey »

Dude... heal fast and get well soon. We're all root'n for you.

I don't recommend quitting for anyone. It's terrible. If I wasn't married I'd certainly be a smoker again. After quitting I didn't drink coffee for a year because I had started smoking and coffee at the same time. They were inexorably linked for me. "Cigarettes and coffee man, that's a combination."

But if you don't do it for your loved ones...or your health.. or because you enjoy easily walking up and down stairs. Do it for your RMV. Finding ways to stay at depth longer should be the greatest motivation.

So now that they carved all that stuff outta your head do you think your voice will be different? Or will things taste different?

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Re: Why I can't dive until December...

Post by scottsax »

Went to the doc for a follow up today. The healing process is going along just fine. The packing he used high up in my sinuses was an expanding foam, similar to that insulation stuff you use around the house. Over time, it breaks down and comes out with the sinus rinses. Well, apparently it wasn't breaking down fast enough for his liking, so he violated my nose with a pair of forceps and the horrible suction device I mentioned previously. I really need to schedule these appointments for the afternoon so I can go home afterward....

Also sent an email to DAN about the surgery, and they confirmed the healing timetable. What a great resource we have available to us!

Still haven't smoked, although I think about it approximately 1,437 times a day. The gum helps. A little. But I still feel like I'm depriving myself of something I truly love. :crybaby: Oh well, at least I don't have to play a gig just yet.

On the plus side, my breathing is markedly improved, my sense of smell is returning, and I've added about 6 notes to my vocal range.
I'm going to look like a moose on rollerskates. -airsix
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Re: Why I can't dive until December...

Post by mz53480 »

scottsax wrote:.... so he violated my nose with a pair of forceps and the horrible suction device I mentioned previously...
Does this mean you can be governor of California now? If so, can I get an important cabinet position? Something like "chief of underwater exploration" would be nice.....
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Re: Why I can't dive until December...

Post by scottsax »

mz53480 wrote:Does this mean you can be governor of California now? If so, can I get an important cabinet position? Something like "chief of underwater exploration" would be nice.....
That's EXACTLY what it felt like!

And yes, you can have any cabinet position you want. In fact, ALL of NWDC will have cushy underwater-related jobs when I'm elected.
I'm going to look like a moose on rollerskates. -airsix
... my Mom caught me fenestrating once. -lavachickie
And I get so tired of fainting and peeing all over myself when the hammer falls on an empty chamber! -Nailer

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Re: Why I can't dive until December...

Post by mz53480 »

scottsax wrote:
mz53480 wrote:Does this mean you can be governor of California now? If so, can I get an important cabinet position? Something like "chief of underwater exploration" would be nice.....
That's EXACTLY what it felt like!

And yes, you can have any cabinet position you want. In fact, ALL of NWDC will have cushy underwater-related jobs when I'm elected.
And, I would also want a winnebago, fully equiped. Big kitchen, waterbed...... and I never want to pay taxes again. too.
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Re: Why I can't dive until December...

Post by Gooch »

I just want to be ambassador to Lake Tahoe....good luck with the stopping smoking- you can do it!
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Re: Why I can't dive until December...

Post by lurch »

I call dibs on mayor of LA. I promise to solve the gang problem in a timely manner :police:

Scott; you'll be far better off come December. Removing that crap does wonders for your immune system. Take it easy!
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Re: Why I can't dive until December...

Post by Tom Nic »

Scott - trust that the surgery went well and everything "takes", and good luck on the smoking...

And thanks SO MUCH for very generous loan of your 40 bail out and reg. I was blown away by your generosity...

The bottle runs like a dream, BTW. I dove it all last week in Nootka Sound and it just "disappeared" under my arm. I love the buoyancy characteristics of the luxfer... it actually runs better than my 19. And I love having the extra gas at my disposal!

Let me know when you're back in the water and we'll hook up for a couple of dives and the return of your bottle!

Get well quick!

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Re: Why I can't dive until December...

Post by ArcticDiver »

Congratulations on surviving your procedure in such good humor. As for smoking I can only offer how I did it. I decided someone other than that weed had to be in control of my life. So, I quit my three packs during an alert shift habit cold turkey. You know I don't know why they call it "cold turkey". It wasn't that at all. It was me versus that weed. I won by substitute addiction: I took up running. I went from not being able to run a 100 yards without thinking I was having a heart attack to being able to do 10 or 12 miles with no big deal. At the same time I found shoes, shorts, etc were a LOT cheaper than cigarettes and cigars and pipe tobacco (yep I had it bad).

Now, years later, I'm benefiting big time from that exercise in will power. Even with the black cloud that has been following me around all summer I am healthier and more phisically fit than 99% of my peers and many of my chronological juniors.

Frankly I don't get this idea of breaking an addiction by substituting drug delivery methods. But, what works is what works I guess.
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Re: Why I can't dive until December...

Post by scottsax »

I was never as addicted to the nicotine as I was to the habits-after dinner, taking breaks at work, and at gigs. I started smoking on my first regular nightclub gig in 1992, and for me, music and smoking go hand in hand. I played my first gig in 2 months Friday night, and played another one last night. I'm not going to lie-I took a couple drags off other band members' cigarettes, but it just didn't make me happy like it used to. Of course, not smoking wasn't making me happy, either....

Friday morning I had a follow-up appointment with my surgeon. We talked about diving, and he asked me to describe how my sinuses felt before. I said that they weren't troublesome, I just had to be somewhat careful on descents and ascents. He asked me how it was now, and I looked at him quizzically, because I was under the impression I wasn't supposed to be diving yet, and told him as much. He said to go slow and start really shallow and let him know how it went.

That bears repeating....

He said to go slow and start shallow and let him know how it went.


:bounceline: :bounceline: :bounceline: :bounceline:

I'm freaking going diving!!!

Next weekend... I'm going to give it another week of healing just to be safe, but I'm back in the water!!!

...and all was right with the world!
I'm going to look like a moose on rollerskates. -airsix
... my Mom caught me fenestrating once. -lavachickie
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Re: Why I can't dive until December...

Post by Joshua Smith »

That's fantastic! Man, after my recent dry spell, I can tell you one thing for sure: I'm not OK without diving. I gotta have some exploration and adventure, or I'm not a happy guy. Glad to hear you got the green light, and I'm hoping that equalizing is much improved for you!
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Re: Why I can't dive until December...

Post by Dusty2 »

Awesome! Diving is the best therapy there is! Take it slow and enjoy. The critters are waiting!
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Re: Why I can't dive until December...

Post by mz53480 »

scottsax wrote:......Next weekend... I'm going to give it another week of healing just to be safe, but I'm back in the water!!!...and all was right with the world!
Good on ya mate!
Lemme know how that mask works out for you.....
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Re: Why I can't dive until December...

Post by ArcticDiver »

OUTSTANDING!!!! Absolutely Outstanding!!!
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